



I am 25 year old lady and i had dreams and ambitions but no money to kick start my dreams. All i wanted after my matric was to study teaching.

I wanted to break the chain of poverty in my home but instead i invited darkness to my mother's house. I met some guy on facebook who was advertising his business of buying used sanitary pads.

Two thousand rands for one sanitary pad was a lot of money and that was the kind of money that would go a long way in my mother's house. 

I contacted the guy immediately when i went on my periods and he told me to meet with him in town when i was done with my periods. 

Few days later i was done and we met. I gave him 3 used pads because i wasn't sure that he was going to pay. He gave me R6000 on the spot. I regreted not giving him all my used pads and leaving them at home. 

But i was happy i had that much money. I went straight to the grocery store and bought food for my mom and siblings. I even bought my mom a new pep dress because she hadn't bought herself anything to wear in over 5 years.

I was so excited that finaly we were gonna have a proper meal and my siblings would have new shoes. I then decided i would be selling all my used sanitary and my little sister's so that we have enough money and i will afford to pay for my teaching course fees.

My cried when she saw me with so many plastics, i asked my little sister to wait by the road with a wheelbarrow. Hunger and poverty made my mom not even question where i got the money. 

That night we didn't even cook, i bought KFC for dinner. The smiles on my siblings faces and the joy in my mother's eyes was priceless.

We had a beautiful month and time for my next periods was fast approaching. We ate bread every single day, bread was a luxury for us so being able to afford and my siblings being able to carry a lunchbox to school everyday was beautiful to watch.

A few days before my periods i dreamt of a very small lizard entering my nose, i tired screaming for help and i got up to run but luckily i woke up.

I had a nose bleed at night, i then got out of bed to go wash it off but i had a very huge headache. It felt like something was crawling in my head. 

I took panado and went back to sleep. Time for my periods came and they were not coming. I started worrying when i was 8 days late. I then started dreaming of myself having sex. The dream felt so real and it kept happening every night. In the morning I'd wake up very wet down there and the smell was horrible. 

I then started getting stomach cramps, they were so bad that i couldn't even stand up straight. I ended up going to the clinic.  When i got there the first thing they tested was pregnancy. 

The test came out positive. It didn't make sense because i hadn't had sexual intercourse for over a year. I wasn't allowed to have a scan but i was given pills for the pregnancy and a maternity book.

I didn't understand how or what was happening. I started fearing falling asleep because i had the same dream of having sex every night.  But sleep is natural and i would end up sleeping and wake up wet with sperms.

I never went back to the clinic even after they sent a home base carer to come fetch me because i needed to do HIV tests, i refused to go because there was no way i could be pregnant. 

I couldn't get hold of the guy i sold pads to anymore. His number was always on voicemail. I started suspecting that this is all his doings. My stomach kept growing until i decided to ask help from some group that i will not mention on facebook, that's where i met the man. 

One lady by the name of Linda Nkosi was touched by my story and she sent me money to go to the Dr. I went and had a sonar done and there was no baby in my womb but u had all the pregnancy symptoms and there movements in my belly.

I then told sis Linda about this and she suggested i went to a traditional Doctor. I then visited an apostolic church since it was free. I was given "taelo" and after a week of using the things i got from church.  I stopped having those dreams.

One day i had a very painful sharp pain that woke me from my sleep and it went on the whole day. I then went to the lady who helped me at church's house. She then bathed me and gave me water in a two liter bottle. She told me to drink the water whenever i am thirsty and also used two drops in my bath water until the bottle is finished. 

She told me to never use the toilet if i want to go. I Must go on the ground where i can see. She then told me that whatever weird thing i will waste out i should pour spirit and salt on it then burn it. 

Two weeks passed and there was nothing on my waste. Until one day i had that sharp pain again and i pooped out a dead lizard instead of poop. I was so scared and the lizard had a red wool around it. I burnt it as told and then i went to church the next Sunday and told the pastor. She told me to go get pregnancy test at the clinic. I went after gathering so much strength and the test came out negative. 

I am honestly just here to warn everyone about sanitary pads being sold, it comes at a spiritual price. And i would advice every woman to burn their used santiary pads instead of throwing them away. Some people dig for them in the bins just to go sell them.

We live in scary times.