




Hi please hide my name. My girlfriend told me about your page because i have been seeking help for over 5 years now with no luck. I used to own a tarven back in the years which i inherited from my late dad.

When my father was alive the tarven was doing very well, it was popular and always very busy. By busy i mean full. Even during the week you would never find it empty. I grew up as the kid from the rich family and as i was the only child i then inherited my parents assets including their properties and the tavern happened to be one of them.

My dad taught me everything there was that i needed to learn about the tarven from a very young age. When i turned 18 on weekends i would go help him and his employees, he insisted i familiarise myself with it because it was my legacy.

It was doing very well and it was the biggest butter to our bread. They owned a few more other small businesses but the tarven was the main business. When i was 26 my parents died in a car accident. I was shattered and three months after their passing i then re opened the tarven. 

It was doing well in the first year then soon after that it was falling apart. I was literally following everything that my dad taught me but i was still not able to save the business. It was falling apart and i wasn't employed so i needed to make it work for survival.

I had kids of my own now and i was the provider. I was letting my kids down because i wasn't able to provide as much as i would like. I then remembered that my dad once went with me to a sangoma. He told me to stay in the car, i waited for over 3 hours in the car and when he came out he didn't talk to me until the next day.

We drove silently and when i tried making conversation he did not reply nor look at me. He practically ignored me. The next day he called me outside and told me that if ever life got difficult and money was tight i must make sure i visit that sangoma.

He drove with me there a couple of times so i familiarise myself with the routes. Soon as i remembered my dad's words about money being tight and all i drove there the next morning. Upon my arrival the sangoma just said i have been expecting you. It took you long enough, your father's friend is hungry and you should feed it.

He was saying all this without even looking at me. He was busy with cutting something that was bleeding in a red plastic. My dad never allowed me out of the car so i have never met this man so i don't know how he knew it was me.

Anyway he sat me down and told me the most shocking tale. He told me that there is a snake inside the pit toilet that's never been used at the tarven. My dad built a pit toilet at the tarven years ago when i was still in primary and he has always keeped it locked and forbid anyone from going there except him.

The sangoma then told me that the snake lives there and it is the reason why the tarven was always full. He told me to bring my girlfriend's used sanitary pad and her worn p@nty. I found that request disturbing and asked why.

He then said he will explain when i bring those to him. I drove back home disturbed and curious. Now i had to wait for my girlfriend to go on her periods so that i can give him the pad. It was difficult getting a worn p@nty because my girlfriend washes her p@nty immediately after bath.

But i found a way to destruct her one day while she was bathing and i took out her used pad in the bin. I then went back to the sangoma, this was a month later. When i got there he explained that from now on the snake will be fed and the business will do very well.

I asked how and he said i must never use protection with my girlfriend and make sure she too is not on any contraceptive. The snake will be feeding off from my newly conceived babies. He then said, why do you think you are the only child. I froze, i asked if my mom new about this and he said you tell no one about this not even the person who will carry on the ritual. 

He then said my dad did the covenant when he only had one child and that is why when my mother could no longer fall pregnant their lives had to be lost. He then said since you have more children you will live a bit longer because when your wife runs out of eggs then your children will be the next sacrifices.

Only one child will live to carry the covenant. My head started spinning same time, i told him i needed time to think about this and he told me that i had no choice and that my dad made an oath with the dark world that binds me. 

I have since asked my girlfriend to be on contraceptives and i avoid being intimate with her because i have put her life in danger but my conscience won't let me betray her like that. I have even shared this with her and she told me about this page saying i might get help here.

Since i opened up to my girlfriend she's been losing her family members every six months and we suspect the sangoma, the tarven gets robbed, it's getting vandalised and i always dream fighting off a snake in my dreams and i wake up with bruises all over my body.

I hope someone who can help me will see this video and save me. I will read comments.