




Please pardon my English, I'm not really a good story teller.

I was doing Grade 3 in 2012, as you can imagine I was very young back then. I had a friend, he was a really quiet boy but very intelligent. We also shared a table. Whenever we had homeworks, we'd stay behind and do them.

One day at school, it was lunch time and we were busy playing in the sports ground when that friend of mine called me and others to show us how he can just look at the sun and the fire will appear on his eye rings, he looked at the sun and he did it, I could see his eyes burning on the inside. As expected, we ran because how was that possible? 

The following day, he kept annoying me about going to church with him at night, well because I knew my mom wouldn't allow such thing I agreed anyways, just for control. And then night came and vele when I finished eating dinner I went to sleep, anyways I'm not the only child at home, infact me and my younger brother shared a room at the time.

I got into bed and prayed just like mom taught us and I slept. Hau midnight when I wake up to pee I saw my friend from school, obvious I was surprised and scared at the same time. I asked him how he got inside and he told me they're many of them he can't be seen and we should leave.

I told him I can't go to church, what if my parents hears me and he said to "theoha bethe tlo ipona hape ka tsela yeo habano bona hore hakeyo" meaning I should get off the bed and I'll see another me sleeping, that way my younger brother or parents won't see me. I did exactly that and vele I could see the duplicate me sleeping. I don't wanna lie it was scary ngaleyo ndlela. I asked him how we gonna exit the room and he told me to shut my eyes for 5 seconds and when I opened them we'll be on top of the mountains. 

I did exactly that and even before I could open my eyes, I could feel the breeze as if we're outside, I opened my eyes and vele we were outside, to be exact we were on top of the mountains and we were already heading to the church.

When we got to the church, I still remember those two women who were standings at them door, Charmaine and Thobile, they showed us the way inside and when we got inside, it was a big crowd singing but I could not hear what they're saying. People there were wearing black stuff singing and dancing around the big fire. We sang and sang until I woke up, as if it was a dream. And to my surprise when I wake up I'm in my bed. 

I bathed and went to school, I kept asking myself whether it was a dream or reality. Normally I find my friend at school but today ngifike kqala, suddenly he came.

I didn't wanna ask him about what happened last night because I was still confused, coz seriously it felt like dream and so we talked about other things. He then popped the question, did you enjoy at the church? That's how knew I wasn't dreaming, I freaked out but he could see through me I was scared, he told me to relax it's just a church the only difference is we get to have supernatural powers but for that to happen I have to keep the secret to myself.

I was interested in having my own supernatural powers so I kept quiet, I went to the secret church more than I can remember until it came this one time to meet the founder of the church "Satan" so they say. The night came for me to meet the devil incarnate because I was a regular at the church I had became a member automatically. I was scared to meet the devil hau when I got there I saw a very handsome guy, he was alot older than us, he was the devil. I couldn't believe it, it wasn't something I had expected, he was extremely handsome that guy, but he had 2 horns by the forehead but nonetheless he was mad handsome.

He told me if I wanted to become part of them I have to kill! He didn't even sugarcoat it as I was a child, he put it that way. He told me if I wanted to become one of them and have supernatural fanfictions I should kill my father and aunt as they are the ones who are spiritually gifted and most powerful among my family.

The devil gave me muthis to use for my father, it took me 4 days to kill my father because his spirit was too powerful. After my dad's funeral I went for my aunt ngamvalela in a bottle of mayonnaise, that spell was not easy either because my aunt was also spiritually powerful, yena it took me days to capture her soul but eventually I did it. 

I received my supernatural powers and they called me “Animus” as I can change myself to any animal of my choice. I've killed so many people in my life, at some point I found joy in killing people but now I don't want this anymore because I've found a decent partner whom I live with and the devil wants his soul.

Apparently I shouldn't date, I should always be by myself because I'm one of them now, basically sengi jola nabo because the devil sleeps with those women. 

My friend from school, he died in Botswana caught by some powerful traditionalists. I don't  want this anymore 😭 I want a normal life

Those Mountains are based in the Free State in Botshabelo near the steps river. We used to cause accidents in the N8 road, we caused miscarriages as well and a whole bunch of things, I'm not the only one, there are many of us you can't finish us.

I know things that humans don't, I've seen and created things that humans don't see in naked eye. I'm 20 years old now and I still use men as sacrifice for my personal things. I'm gay and I kill for a living, physically or spiritually. Sometimes I come in a form of dream and kill you in your own dream. 

I don't want that life anymore, I don't wanna kill anymore, I believe I've found a lifetime partner and ake batle letho ka yena even though the devil wants him because he believes the guy is distracting me so he wants to remove him off the way. I'm even thinking of going against Satan himself coz I can't give him my man no.

 I've told my partner things that people don't know, not even my mother and still he chose me even though he knows my dark side. We tried attending a church but I couldn't even get inside the church as I was burning....

I was literally burning on the inside, I can't look at the bible for too long coz my eyes end up being blurry. There are many things I can't do like a proper human being but I do specialize in killing. But trust me when I say I don't want it anymore, it's tiring. I also know when I'm going to die and that's in 2029 hence I'm looking for a way out coz I don't want my partner to lose me or vice versa. 

That guy has gave me many reasons to live and do good, and I believe I will but how do I attend church if I'm still burning inside? I even created a fake account so that the admin doesn't see my face, also I know that some of the followers r gonna have hard time believing this but trust me, boloi bo teng especially Botshabelo!

I've seen the devil incarnate although he's was not what I was expecting but he had natural horns growing on his forehead and was extremely handsome ngaleyo ndlela.