



I am sure that my confession will make many angry and i will get judged. Even sangomas judge me when i go to them for help, they have all refused to help me and i am now living a very painful life.

I was my parent's only child and they were both employers of the government. We were not rich but we lived a pretty comfortable life. As the only child i was given everything i wanted. I was spoiled and loved very much. 

I was my dad's bestfriend and my mama's boy. People at loction used to call me cheese boy.  Trouble began when i went to high school. I attended a private school in town. I mixed with the wrong crowd, i became friends with coloured who smoked weed and crack.

By the time i was in grade 10 i was already an addict, I'd bunk classes until my parents were called over at school. My dad became so furious that he took me out of the private school to a public school at kasi. That didn't stop me from smoking. 

I was repeating grade 10 because i failed. When i got to kasi i became worse. I was way out of control and disrespectful towards my parents. I became the ring leader of the none ruly kids at school because i was the cheese boy. My parents then cut me off financialy because they could see that i use their money too buy wonga.

I started stealing from them. My dad cut me off completely and even stopped talking to me. My mom tried to be patient with me but she was just not winning. It became so severe that it was destroying their marriage. Eventualy my mom also washed her hands off me.

They both stopped talking to me, changed their house locks and gates because they got tired of me stealing from them. I had dropped out of school and ended up in the streets. One night as i was begging for cigarrete money outside a night club, a very weird looking man approached me.

He told me that he could help me get rich, he gave me old shoes and a jacket and said we should meet outside the club tomorrow morning so that he can help me. Apparently those people can spot someone who can do anything for money and tempt them.

The next morning i waited for him at the club and he showed up. He then told me to hop in his car and said we are going for a ride. He gave me crack to feed my cravings to win my trust. Sharo we took a young drive and all he went straight to the point.

He said he had been studying my life and he knows that my parents kicked me out and that they don't care about me. He told me that they were planning to leave all their assets to some cousin of mine when they are no more. That frustrated me so much then he said i need to go back home and begg them for forgiveness. 

And i must earn the forgiveness. He then said once they forgive me then he will tell me what's next but he promises i will be very wealthy. Ge dropped me off and drove away. I was desperate for wealth so i went home the next day. My dad wanted to hear nothing but my mom calmed him down 

Eventualy they heard me out but my dad was not buying it. My mom was in tears and she welcomed me home. Everyday i was working hard to win their trust back, i even promised to go back to school the next day. My dad was still hard headed and it was annoying me.

One night while i was sleeping the man called me and said he was outside. He then said you are trying but your dad really hates you and he will never forgive you. Tomorrow i will pick you up at 7pm and we will take care of him be ready by 7pm.

The next day he picked me up and i noticed he wasn't wearing shoes. We drove to the forest where we found men with white doeks on weapped around their waisy and no shirts nor shoes. I was then told that this is it. You will leave here a very healthy man.

When we got there i was given a metal cup with red liquid in it.  I was told to drink and spit out while calling my dads name till it finishes. The liquid tasted like blood. At this point everyone was starring at me standing very still. It was a very scary thing to witness.

I then drank and spit out then called my dad's names till i was done. When i was done they all knelt down and a man wearing a black dress like the one of pastors walked towards me holding a white cross with my dad's names on it. Like the one we put on the graves to identify where we bury our loved ones.

He gave it to me to stick the cross on the ground. But he spoke a foreign or weird language. But the guy i came with translated, when i was done he pointed behind me and i saw my dad getting involved in a car accident.i was watching this on some tv but i could clearly see that it's my dad. Then i saw my mom crying, he gave me a very big needle and i was told to stab my mom on the heart with it. 

As soon as i stabbed my mom on the heart with it i woke up sweating. Now i was confused as to what was going on. How did it suddenly become a dream. From that point on i was now struggling to fall asleep till morning. I was so revealed to hear my parents voices in the morning while they were getting ready to go to work. 

I was super happy it was all a dream. As soon as they left the house became weird. It was like i wasn't alone. When i was watching tv it was like there's someone peeking at me. When i was bathing I'd see shadows moving really fast. Days went by and whenever i was alone I'd feel the presence of people in the house. 

One day while i was brushing my hair i caught an image of very short looking men on the mirror but they quickly dissapered. It was getting very scary and frustrating at some point i even thought i was losing my mind. A month later while my mom and i were watching tv.

Policemen knocked on the door. It was around 9pm. They came to inform us that my dad had died in a car crash.  My mom immediately touched her chest on the heart side and fell on the ground slowly. An ambulance was called and they said she's having a heart attack. They stabilised her and took her to the hospital.

She unfortunately was declared dead upon arrival at the hospital. That night family came over and all i could hear in my head was a sound of a drum from far and hands being clapped. Around 3am i could feel myself slowly falling asleep.

It was like i was in a dream but my room became a bit Smokey and i could see small people holding a big bag and putting it in my closet. In the morning i went straight to the closet and i found a loooot of money. I don't even remember how i felt at that time but it was mixed emotions.

I started believing that i was never dreaming. I saw my dad's accident prior to the accident and i stabbed my mom on the heart. I was confused and baffled but it was too late for any regrets. I feel like i was tricked into sacrificing my parents. I was never told what i was doing. 

Fine years passed by and i continued living in regrets but i had a room that only i could enter. I was given the instructions to have a no go area room in my dreams. That room always had funny noises at night and most times i would find my sleep sleeping on the floor without clothes. How i end up in there is still unknown. 

I was ordered to impregnate my girlfriend and to never live with her in my parents house. She can only come visit but not stay permanently or I'd lose her. She gave birth to a boy chid and after my son's birth i was told I'll never have anymore kids.

I had lost of money but i lived in guilt. A couple of years later when my son was in grade 9. I started dreaming of myself taking him to the forest where i once went before getting rich. I realised that with jeyes fluid and sea salt i can chase away the dreams. I've since been using the sea salt and jeyes fluid every night. It is something i discovered on social media. I no longer have weird dreams and my son is still safe.

But there is something moving on my left thigh. It's like a snake that moves up and down my thigh to the leg then back and end up in my tummy. During the day it stays in my tummy and at night it moves around. I no longer eat, i vomit blood and i have been losing a lot of weight.

I no longer get money even. People now hate me, i always get into senseless fights and sometimes i feel like i am losing my mind. I've been praying but seems like it's the more i am slowly dying inside. Anyone who knows what kind of isthwalo is this? Your help will be appreciated.