



I come from a very wealthy family. My dad used to own a lot of taxis and my mom owned a creche which was popular and loved by many.

I had two older siblings and i was the last born of  three. My older brother was hard headed and my parents had given up on him. My sister was a special child, she had a disability and a mental problem. Many said that my dad had sacrificed with her for the success of his taxi business. 

Which might be true because my sister was very terrified of my dad. Whenever he came home she would run to hide and she would be crying. 

I think I've seen my dad perfom weird rituals on her at night and when i asked i was told that it's a ritual to help her heal and i should never ever tell anyone about it.

My dad sadly passed away, he was murdered and to this day we don't know who shot him but we suspect the taxi rivalries. Since his passing my sister has been attempting to speak, she's no longer mute and her legs are getting better. But that's a story for another day.

So my mom's business also just collapsed. People just took their kids one by one until no child was lost then eventualy the creche had to be shut.

Not just that but my dad's taxis broke down, some got hijacked and my brother too was stripping them off and stealing parts so he could resell to feed his addiction. 

We eventualy became broke and the laughing stock. Everyone had something to say about my family. We were mocked and looked down on. Nothing was working out for us and with time everything was just getting worser and worse.

I was struggling and had no money to continue with my studies. I was doing my N4 at a college when i had to drop out because my mom ran out of things to sell so that she can pay for my fees. I then stopped going to school because not only were the fees a problem but also transport money to school was very tight. 

After a few months of me not going to school, a friend of mine who was foreign asked me what was happening over the phone. Yes he called me because he was worried. I told him the whole story and i became totally honest with him as to why i had to drop out of school. I am someone with a bit of pride but i had to put my pride aside because i needed saving. My friend was very rich, i assumed he was from a rich family. I opened up to him hoping he would loan me the fees money and i would repay him as soon as i got a job. 

He then told me to login on WhatsApp so that he could share some information with me. I didn't have data so he sent me airtime after hanging up. I bought data and logged in and he took a bit of time before sharing the information and curiosity was killing me.

I actualy thought he was going to lend me some money. I was shocked when he sent me information on how i can become rich simply by just selling my soul to the dark world. He sent me videos, pictures and detailed information on how to join. To say i was shocked is an understatement. I didn't reply or say anything i just ignored the texts and said nothing to him. 

After receiving the information, the situation at home became worse. It took me over 5 months to get back to him. When i did he said "i have already sent you all the information you need, what you do with the information is up to you".  

I told him i was interested but i would need him to accompany me. We set a date and he fetched me in his luxury car and took me to a very scary place. It was a house that looked abandoned in the mountains at some village. He told me to never ask questions when i get there but do as i am told. When we arrived we were ushered into the house by a monkey. I was so scared and i was having second thoughts, he whispered in my ear" it is too late to change your mind or death will follow you around ". I had to pull myself together. 

The monkey took us to a room where we found a very old man sitting in a the dark with a snake next to him and a lot of frogs sitting on top of the big snake. Before going near him we had to take off all our clothes and kneel infront of him. He then sprinkled us with water apparently that was a sign that i have officially joined and that my soul is up for grabs. Meaning it was buyable as i have never sold it to anyone before. Apperently you can only sell your soul once.

Two beautiful n@ked ladies appeared from nowhere holding two black calabashes. My friend fell and fainted. As i was about to touch him the old man told me to leave him alone as he will wake up when my initiation was done. I was so scared that i peed on myself. 

One of the women started shaving my head using a razor blade. Then the other came and made cuts on my head...so many cuts, my head started bleeding then the blood went into one of the calabashes. Then they washed my head with a black liquid. Then the bleeding stopped, i was told to spit in the calabash where my hair went in and then take a sip. To my suprise my blood was black and red in there, i had so many questions but i remembered that i can't ask.

The old man then told me to get into a metal bath tub (vaskom) i am not sure what it's called in English. I walked towards it and as i was about to enter i noticed that the many frogs that were seated on the snake when we entered the room were now in the vaskom i am told to bath in. I am so scared of frogs and the thought of me sharing a bath with them was enough to give me a heart attack. But i kept reminding myself that i was doing this to pay off my school fees and also to redeem my mom's dignity. 

I entered and i think the frogs washed my body. They were rubbing their skin against mine until the man told me to step out. The skin on my body looked like that of frogs the minute i stepped out.

He then gave me one very big frog and said this frog now carries your soul, it will take good care of you if you take care of it. He gave it to me in an ice cream container full of green water. He said it will communicate with you if it is not happy and when it's happy it will give you money. Just make it happy and you will be rich. 

He then said get out and don't look back or talk to anyone. His snake then crawled over my friend then he woke up and we left. He walked passed his clothes and as i was about to grab my clothes the monkey grabbed them and showed me the door. We drove back home naked. Luckily it was dark, but my mom was in shock when i just passed by her while she was watching tv. She followed me wanting to find out where my clothes were if i was okay. But i was told not to speak to her or anyone. I buried myself under my blanket and the next day i told her that i was mugged and she belived my made up story.

A few days later my sister started being very scared of me. It reminded me of how scared of my dad she was. The frog started making me money a month after having it. But the more money it made the more i realised how sad and scared my mom and sister became. I thought the money would  redeem my family riches, buy back my mom's digninty, solve all our money problems and we would be happy but the house got colder. They both preffered staying in their rooms and spoke very little. The money was bringing sadness and emptiness in my home. 

After a couple of months i found out that the frog turns into a baby and sucks my mom and sister's bre@sts since they had no milk it was sucking out their blood. How i found was that my mom took my sister away without telling me. They just left and i didn't know where they were for about a month and one day while i was sleeping i had a dream of the old man telling me that since i was now the only one living in that house then the frog will have to live off my blood. I woke up to a baby sucking my breast and as soon as i opened my eyes the baby ran to wardrobe and that's where i had kept the ice cream tub with a frog inside. This continued happening until eventualy i started acting the way my mom and sister started acting before leaving the house. My brother is also acting the same so the only sense i can make out of this is that the frog is feeding off us hence we are always so tired and moody. I am even scared to fall asleep at night. 

The sad part about this is that the frog only produces a minimum of R5000 a month which truly is not even worth any of this troubles.

I miss my mom so much but she wants nothing to do with me. Even when my sister passed away i heard about it on the streets after her funeral. This makes me believe that my mom is aware of what i did and she hates me for it.

I would like to extend my sincere and heartfelt apologies to you Mamtungwa and hope that you will find it in your heart to forgive me. We don't discard people,we correct them that's what you used to tell me but you have discarded me. I'm sorry.