




My husband and i have been married for 6 years and in those six years the first two years were nice and i can safely say the other four years were a nightmare.

It was then that i understood why most people were against marriages. My mom was a single mom and anything to do with men and marriage she was against. But because i was inlove i convinced her that if i don't get married to this man then i would never be happy again. She could see i was serious so she allowed me to get married.

When it started being tough in my marriage, i couldn't even run to her for comfort because she had warned me. I then started confiding in my aunt who convinced me to soul tie my marriage. I was desperate to fix my marriage so i took any advice given without thinking twice. 

My husband hardly had time for me, he used to come home only when he was drunk just to start a fight and he slept out a lot. The last straw was when i found a picture of a baby in his phone and the baby looked exactly like him. I knew i was about to lose him so i had to act fast and sadly i acted fast and irrationaly.

The sangoma gave me a muti to cook for him while calling out his name and another muti i had to sprinkle on his side of the bed and when he is asleep i was told to whisper in his ear that from now on he is mine and mine alone.

I had to tell him that there was a python that would destroy him and everyone he loved if ever he looked at another woman. 

I followed instructions and i went back to the sangoma as instructed again. He then gave me a python. At first i was scared but i remembered why i was doing this. He told me that the python will live inside my husband and everytime he tries to get intimate with any other woman besides me then the snake will go inside the woman and eat her up from the inside then a few weeks later the woman will die.

Indeed a couple of months later my husband went back to his own ways. I remember the first time i went to the sangoma he said i should be ready to lose the people i loved and trusted. I didn't suspect anyone very dear to my heart, instead i suspected neighbours and maybe his female friends and colleagues.

He started cheating again and to my suprise the symptoms the sangoma told me would show on the women he would cheat with started showing on my bestfriend. The only friend i had and trusted with my life. She started of by bleeding none stop, the second week she was getting mentaly disturbed then i started wondering. On her last day on earth she confessed to have been cheating with my husband and how her last child who is 5 years old is his child. The next day she passed. I was too angry about the betrayal to even feel anything after her death. 

Soon after that my sister followed, my little sister whom i loved and adored  started showing the symptoms then

My husband and i have been married for 6 years and in those six years the first two years were nice and i can safely say the other four years were a nightmare.

It was then that i understood why most people were against marriages. My mom was a single mom and anything to do with men and marriage she was against. But because i was inlove i convinced her that if i don't get married to this man then i would never be happy again. She could see i was serious so she allowed me to get married.

When it started being tough in my marriage, i couldn't even run to her for comfort because she had warned me. I then started confiding in my aunt who convinced me to soul tie my marriage. I was desperate to fix my marriage so i took any advice given without thinking twice. 

My husband hardly had time for me, he used to come home only when he was drunk just to start a fight and he slept out a lot. The last straw was when i found a picture of a baby in his phone and the baby looked exactly like him. I knew i was about to lose him so i had to act fast and sadly i acted fast and irrationaly.

The sangoma gave me a muti to cook for him while calling out his name and another muti i had to sprinkle on his side of the bed and when he is asleep i was told to whisper in his ear that from now on he is mine and mine alone.

I had to tell him that there was a python that would destroy him and everyone he loved if ever he looked at another woman. 

I followed instructions and i went back to the sangoma as instructed again. He then gave me a python. At first i was scared but i remembered why i was doing this. He told me that the python will live inside my husband and everytime he tries to get intimate with any other woman besides me then the snake will go inside the woman and eat her up from the inside then a few weeks later the woman will die.

Indeed a couple of months later my husband went back to his own ways. I remember the first time i went to the sangoma he said i should be ready to lose the people i loved and trusted. I didn't suspect anyone very dear to my heart, instead i suspected neighbours and maybe his female friends and colleagues.

He started cheating again and to my suprise the symptoms the sangoma told me would show on the women he would cheat with started showing on my bestfriend. The only friend i had and trusted with my life. She started of by bleeding none stop, the second week she was getting mentaly disturbed then i started wondering. On her last day on earth she confessed to have been cheating with my husband and how her last child who is 5 years old is his child. The next day she passed. I was too angry about the betrayal to even feel anything after her death. 

Soon after that my sister followed, my little sister whom i loved and adored  started showing the symptoms then