



I worked as an alcohol promoter for a lady i sadly cant mention but she's from Pretoria originaly and i met her at sunnyside while i was still attending a college in somewhere in Pretoria. 

The lady sold me so many dreams and took advantage of my background situation. Well obviously she could judge by how i dress and my hair dos. She could tell that things were not okay at home so she befriended me and after a couple of weeks of knowing her i opened up to her about my home situation. 

She told me that she runs an alcohol promotion company and i could work during the weekends so that i can make extra money for things i needed. My parents only paid my rent and sent me R300 for food and i was very grateful because i knew that that's honestly all they could afford and them sending me that money meant they were left with next to nothing for themselves. 

I wanted to relieve my parents from paying my rent so that they could have a bit of money for food at home and a bit left for my younger siblings snacks just so they don't go around asking other kids.

I worked at different clubs doing alcohol promos and the first 3months were smooth and i got paid well. I got paid enough to pay for my rent, buy food, buy an outfit or two and do my hair.

I also had a little change to send back home. I was super grateful, little did i know that it was all a setup and the lady was working for our foreign brothers. On the fourth month i didn't get paid and she told me to hang on, i didn't stop working i continued.

On the 5th month i was now getting fed up so i aggressively confronted her and she told me to meet her the next day so that some man she works with can pay me. I was shocked as to why we are now involving men that were never there when we first had an agreement but i needed the money so i agreed.

Let me tell you now that i was shocked when i later found out that i wasn't really promoting alcohol but i was promoting myself, i was auctioned to men who were at those clubs unknowingly. 

But it all made sense because all the men in the clubs we worked at were really old. When i arrived at the given location ugirl was not there it was just the nasty old man. I was very irritated and i wanted to leave but he kept telling me to wait a bit longer for the lady. When i called her she kept saying she's on her way until she eventualy switched off her phone. Ke sa tenega ke sa tenega keh sana yoh!

So guy could see that i was not in anyway interested in hearing him out so he offered to take me home , i had no choice but to agree because i didn't have return money. Xabanga!

On our way there he was having a conversation alone, i was not in anyway interested. Then as we were approaching sunnyside he then told me to slide my hand under the seat and take whatever i found there.  I didn't want to but he insisted. Okay fine, irritated as i was i slid my hand under the seat and i came out with a stack of money. The shock i got , i was shocked and excited at the same time. I instantly felt myself growing interest in him, i developed feelings for him and that's when i learned that feelings are bought.

He told me how much he noticed me on day one at the clubs and how he kepr going to all the clubs he knew I'd be working at. Shukuthi ugirl was updating him on all my work schedule. The stash of money in my hand was my ultimate happiness. He could see that i wanted to count the money and he just said relax you'll count it at home, it's just 20K and there's more where that came from. 

Yoh guys i was running out of breath with happiness. Fastforward we started dating and he got me an apartment in midrand and he bought me a car too, taught me how to drive and got me a licence. 

Guy just changed my whole life in a few months nje. Although he said he bought me an apartment and a car they were both in his names, i was just an occupant. But i was too happy about the soft life to even care. Few months into the relatioship the honey moon phase faded. I got to know the real him.

There was something weird about the apartment, no matter how hot it was outside it was always cold inside. At night i would feel like i wasn't alone, i felt a strong presence of another person in the apartment. 

When sleeping i could hear movements in the house. My blesser paid for all bills and spoiled with expensive gifts, gave me a fat allowance which i was only allowed to spend on shopping and spa treatments, eating out and all those things. 

He became very controlive, made me quit school. Didn't want me visiting anyone or being visited. He knew everything i got up to in the apartment and in the car. At first i thought he had hidden cameras in the house and car. As time went by i realised there was someone shadowing me. I would see the person everytime i passed by mirrors. It was a very blurry vision but i would always get a glimpse, in the car aswel I'd see the person through the mirrors but as soon as i focus on the person they would vanish.

One thing that made me realise that i was used as a sacrifice was the fact that since i met this man and moved into the apartment i had never ever pooped. Like I'd only use the toilet to pee and never ever pooped. I was never constipated, i just never felt the need to poop. But it never worried me until i realised that my poop hole was getting bigger and it was always painful every morning.  I would wake up with a sore poop hole.

I used to have weird dreams, i would dream of someone eating food from my poop hole and this happened every night but it never really bothered me much. It was the very least of my worries until it was too late.

One day i just had the courage to consult and i lied to him that i am going to do my hair. Left the car at the salon and took an uber to a sangoma and everything there was revealed. He was using me as a sacrifice to perform a money ritual. He had a zombie/mfana living with me and feeding of my poop. My blessers money ritual didn't require blood, it just required a woman's poop, a woman he sleeps with.

He never had time for, would only spend time with me when he wants intimacy. He just didn't mind spending money on me. The sangoma gave me things to use to protect my self from the parasite i lived with. I then went to the salon, did my hair and when i got to the apartment i found everything of mine packed and he kicked me out, no explanation nothing. He just cut me off completely and the sangoma said his zombie(mfana) reported me since he follows me everywhere because we were spiritualy connected. 

I have since hated all males and i still feel a bit of pain sometimes on my poop hole. I've been single ever since because my fear for men is on another level.

There's another young beautiful lady living in the very same apartment and driving the very same car...i fear for her future and what's embarrassing is that i now can't hold in poop. It just comes out anytime and anywhere. I no longer socialise because of my embarrassing condition. I've tried specialists, General practitioners but i can't seem to win. I am just here to vent and warn other ladies of such men. They are charming yet very dangerous.

I worked as an alcohol promoter for a lady i sadly cant mention but she's from Pretoria originaly and i met her at sunnyside while i was still attending a college in somewhere in Pretoria. 

The lady sold me so many dreams and took advantage of my background situation. Well obviously she could judge by how i dress and my hair dos. She could tell that things were not okay at home so she befriended me and after a couple of weeks of knowing her i opened up to her about my home situation. 

She told me that she runs an alcohol promotion company and i could work during the weekends so that i can make extra money for things i needed. My parents only paid my rent and sent me R300 for food and i was very grateful because i knew that that's honestly all they could afford and them sending me that money meant they were left with next to nothing for themselves. 

I wanted to relieve my parents from paying my rent so that they could have a bit of money for food at home and a bit left for my younger siblings snacks just so they don't go around asking other kids.

I worked at different clubs doing alcohol promos and the first 3months were smooth and i got paid well. I got paid enough to pay for my rent, buy food, buy an outfit or two and do my hair.

I also had a little change to send back home. I was super grateful, little did i know that it was all a setup and the lady was working for our foreign brothers. On the fourth month i didn't get paid and she told me to hang on, i didn't stop working i continued.

On the 5th month i was now getting fed up so i aggressively confronted her and she told me to meet her the next day so that some man she works with can pay me. I was shocked as to why we are now involving men that were never there when we first had an agreement but i needed the money so i agreed.

Let me tell you now that i was shocked when i later found out that i wasn't really promoting alcohol but i was promoting myself, i was auctioned to men who were at those clubs unknowingly. 

But it all made sense because all the men in the clubs we worked at were really old. When i arrived at the given location ugirl was not there it was just the nasty old man. I was very irritated and i wanted to leave but he kept telling me to wait a bit longer for the lady. When i called her she kept saying she's on her way until she eventualy switched off her phone. Ke sa tenega ke sa tenega keh sana yoh!

So guy could see that i was not in anyway interested in hearing him out so he offered to take me home , i had no choice but to agree because i didn't have return money. Xabanga!

On our way there he was having a conversation alone, i was not in anyway interested. Then as we were approaching sunnyside he then told me to slide my hand under the seat and take whatever i found there.  I didn't want to but he insisted.

Okay fine, irritated as i was i slid my hand under the seat and i came out with a stack of money. The shock i got , i was shocked and excited at the same time. I instantly felt myself growing interest in him, i developed feelings for him and that's when i learned that feelings are bought.

He told me how much he noticed me on day one at the clubs and how he kepr going to all the clubs he knew I'd be working at. Shukuthi ugirl was updating him on all my work schedule. The stash of money in my hand was my ultimate happiness. He could see that i wanted to count the money and he just said relax you'll count it at home, it's just 20K and there's more where that came from. 

Yoh guys i was running out of breath with happiness. Fastforward we started dating and he got me an apartment in midrand and he bought me a car too, taught me how to drive and got me a licence. 

Guy just changed my whole life in a few months nje. Although he said he bought me an apartment and a car they were both in his names, i was just an occupant. But i was too happy about the soft life to even care. Few months into the relatioship the honey moon phase faded. I got to know the real him.

There was something weird about the apartment, no matter how hot it was outside it was always cold inside. At night i would feel like i wasn't alone, i felt a strong presence of another person in the apartment. 

When sleeping i could hear movements in the house. My blesser paid for all bills and spoiled with expensive gifts, gave me a fat allowance which i was only allowed to spend on shopping and spa treatments, eating out and all those things. 

He became very controlive, made me quit school. Didn't want me visiting anyone or being visited. He knew everything i got up to in the apartment and in the car. At first i thought he had hidden cameras in the house and car. As time went by i realised there was someone shadowing me.

I would see the person everytime i passed by mirrors. It was a very blurry vision but i would always get a glimpse, in the car aswel I'd see the person through the mirrors but as soon as i focus on the person they would vanish.

One thing that made me realise that i was used as a sacrifice was the fact that since i met this man and moved into the apartment i had never ever pooped.

Like I'd only use the toilet to pee and never ever pooped. I was never constipated, i just never felt the need to poop. But it never worried me until i realised that my poop hole was getting bigger and it was always painful every morning.  I would wake up with a sore poop hole.

I used to have weird dreams, i would dream of someone eating food from my poop hole and this happened every night but it never really bothered me much. It was the very least of my worries until it was too late.

One day i just had the courage to consult and i lied to him that i am going to do my hair. Left the car at the salon and took an uber to a sangoma and everything there was revealed. He was using me as a sacrifice to perform a money ritual.

He had a zombie/mfana living with me and feeding of my poop. My blessers money ritual didn't require blood, it just required a woman's poop, a woman he sleeps with.

He never had time for, would only spend time with me when he wants intimacy. He just didn't mind spending money on me. The sangoma gave me things to use to protect my self from the parasite i lived with.

I then went to the salon, did my hair and when i got to the apartment i found everything of mine packed and he kicked me out, no explanation nothing. He just cut me off completely and the sangoma said his zombie(mfana) reported me since he follows me everywhere because we were spiritualy connected. 

I have since hated all males and i still feel a bit of pain sometimes on my poop hole. I've been single ever since because my fear for men is on another level.

There's another young beautiful lady living in the very same apartment and driving the very same car...i fear for her future and what's embarrassing is that i now can't hold in poop. It just comes out anytime and anywhere.

I no longer socialise because of my embarrassing condition. I've tried specialists, General practitioners but i can't seem to win. I am just here to vent and warn other ladies of such men. They are charming yet very dangerous.