


please keep me anonymous,I am very worried about my small siblings. I feel they are not safe with my mother. I have moved out of our home to live with my boyfriend after what I witnessed it was too traumatic for.

But the real reason I moved out is because of how my mother started treating me bad after what I have witnessed. So my father died a few years ago , he was poisoned then they said the poison is so dangerous that it made his body rot even after it killed him.

This meant that we could not do a body viewing to pay our final respect to him. Usually when someone dies their body comes home on a Friday and they say the body has to sleep home one last time. Family, relatives and friends are allowed to be around the house the whole night I'm not sure why but it's always been like that in my culture.

The night my father's body came home my mother didn't want anyone except herself in the room the coffin was in.

She chased everyone out of the room and locked herself in with the coffin. But we could hear weird sounds coming from there and there was also smoke with a stuffy smell coming through the edge spaces of the door.

No one asked anything though. The minute we got back from the cemetery on Saturday morning my mother then told everyone to leave. This was rather weird and shocking but everyone left.

Few days after the funeral I would see my dad crying and my mother beating him up. She would be whispering while beating him up saying things like you don't listen , you are stubborn and that he refuses to do what he was sent to do.

This went on for months and I once asked my mom and she told me that it must have just been a dream but I could tell from the shock in her voice and her jumpy reaction that it was more than a dream. She then told me to shut it and tell no one about this or I would lose my mind.

My father is still alive and WORKING for my mother to destroy people's lives. He steals people's cvs, important documents to be exact and their shoes,clothes,cut their hair and so much more. I know this because I opened a room that my mother forbid us from ever using and I found all those things there. They were tied in different colours and there were pictures of people all over the wall. People we know...that is when I knew that my mom was a witch and I made a run for it.

She knows that I know and now she is sending my father to kill me but each time he comes close to me he just starts crying and apologising and calling my mother evil.