


 Please keep me anonymous.

I am a young lady who is fed up with her mother's dark heart. Growing up I've always known that there was something special or rather different about my family. It was a woman only family. My grandmother had five daughters and all my aunts have daughters only including mom.

I later learned that whenever they fell pregnant with sons then they would sacrifice the pregnancy even before birth then call it a miscarriage. How heartless. Anyway from a young age I was not allowed to invite anyone in our home. My grandmother was against anf she would go very mad if anyone stepped in our yard.

She hated guests with all her heart not even family members would visit. I knew we were special when during the day we would spend most time sleeping if we didn't have school. My aunts and mom were all unemployed so they slept most of their days too.

But at night we would be out in the streets doing weird things. My grandmother didn't want any visitors and also we were not allowed to go to anyone's house but during the night we would go to so many different houses. We would just fly there and do weird things to them while they are sleeping.

When my grandmother passed away, people started saying all disrespectful things about her and also being very mean to us. No one in our communities wanted us. One day the community came to our house and tried to burn it. My mom got so angry she went into the house took out some powder muti and threw it in the air and ran back into the house where we were hiding. The powder was in a 5kg bucket.

The powder fell/rained on the angry community and within minutes everyone in the yard started making se*UAL sounds. When they realised this they all ran out of our yard still moaning se*UALY very loudly.

Since that day no one even looks at us or our house. When ever they try to shout they still make that embarrassing sound. Witchcraft protected us after all.