



I have a twin sister who has always been my grandmother's favourite granddaughter. I tried everything to please her just so she can love me the same but nothing worked. She did not like me much but she tried to hide it.

She didn't want to make it obvious although i could see it and mostly i could feel it. Whatever my grandmother bought for us , my twin was always chosen to choose first. 

When my grandmother dished up then my twin would choose which food she wanted after comparing them. Whenever i would ask my grandmother to tell me old stories about their past she would always complain about being tired but if my twin asked she would tell the stories with a happy face.

I was the smartest twin but my grandmother never celebrated my good marks. My twin used to find it hard to difficult but eventualy she became very bright while the smartest girl in our class started failing like no ones business.

I noticed that she also behaved a bit like my twin. That's when i learned that my twin might have stolen her brains. We have had stories that my grandmother is a witch but we refused to believe it. We loved her that much.

As we grew older my grandmother insisted she wanted to bath us daily. The funny thing is we were now grown and we could very well bath our selves. She would take turn bathing us and unlike our mom she bathed separately. 

My mom prefered that we share a bath. My grandmother would run a bath for me and bath me first, the water would be reddish and black and she used to say it's my lucky charm colour. I didn't understand what she meant but i wanted my grandmother's approval so i was okay with that.

Whenever she would bath she would ask me to stand on my feet, then take a hand full of water(blackish&reddish water) and start splashing and rubbing it in my v@gina. She would be doing this while talking. She would say things like, any man that enters here pointing at my vjayjay and continues to say any man that enters her should feel pain.

The men should not stay or come back for me, they shouldn't even think about me all they should feel is pain and nothing more. I was a child so i found it very funny because i didn't know better. Then when it's my twin's bath her tone and tune was totaly different. 

My twin's water was pink and my grandmother uttered nice things while washing her vjay. She would say things like it should be sweet as honey and any man who enters must want more and even marry her and give her a lot of money and gifts. It was a whole different tune from mine but i didn't understand much. i was actualy just giggling the whole time.

Now that i am older it is starting to bother me so much. My twin is married to a man who liked me first, a man i dated and once we slept together je dissapeared and did not want anything to do with me. He later married my twin sister. He is a very wealthy man.

I didn't understand what was happening until onr of my exes was brave enough to tell me the truth even though it broke me. Men would insert their penis inside me then jump out screaming. They would get up dress up while insulting me and never looked back.

That brave one ex texted me after our private sessions and asked me why does it feel like there's teeth in my vagina. I was shocked because when i bath i don't feel anything unusual.  He sent me a pic of his penis and it had teeth marks. He said thats what my punani did to him.

He says he is slowly recovering and he would appreciate it if i stopped texting him. I went to consult and i was told there is a creature inside me that was inserted through bath water. I was told that the creature is feeding on blood from men's penis and when no man is inserting their penis it will soon eat up my womb and ovaries.

This scared me so much and it was obvious my grandmother did that to me. I don't know what i ever did to her to hate me this much. I am told the only healer who can help me is found in Ethiopia.

I don't even know where to begin as i don't have any money but lord knows how much i am suffering. According to the inyanga i went to, my granny hates me because she did not succeed in initiating me for witchcraft as a baby. This obviously means my twin's initiation was a success and that's why she loves her so much.

I need help, if there's anyone from Ethiopia willing to help me please please i am begging you , i need saving. I haven't been with a man in a while and i have excruciating pain inside my tummy. I need saving.