



I used to work in the streets at night, i ran away from home because i was abused by my step mother. My stepmother used to use me for witchcraft things, my dad did not believe me or defend me so i had to run away from home.

When i arrived in the streets, i was raped twice in one night by different men at different times but the very same night. There after i was raped weekly by different men until one day i was saved by a lady who worked in the streets at night.

She took out a pepper spray and sprayed the man who was raping me and grabbed my hand and we ran to her flat. She ran me a bath and borrowed me clothes then gave me food.

I stayed with her for almost a month and she was kind and loving. Towards month end she asked me what was my plan and that is how i ended up joining her line of work and became a night street worker. 

One night while i was scouting for clients with big cars a man in an expense big car stopped and said i have R5000 for the whole night. I jumped right inside without even thinking twice. I only charged R1000 for the whole night so this was big.

He was sitting at the back so i jumped in and sat next to him. It was dark i couldn't quite see what was happening but my hair had the freezy feeling the minute i entered. It was cold as eyes in the car. I tried making small conversations but it was just quiet.

No one answered me until i kept quiet. We arrived at a very big house and he said welcome home baby girl. The driver got out of the car and opened the door for him and he carried him. I noticed that the guy had no legs, his arms were half and he was very hairy.

All this i noticed when we got into the house. He was even carried to the bedroom. The minute we sat on the bed , an elderly woman came holding a black dish with reddish liquid inside. She gave it to the man and left, he could see that i wasn't comfortable and very scared. He said "don't worry i am not going to sleep with you but I'll still give you the R5000. I was sent to you by your ancestors". At this point i just wanted to run away. He told me everything about my life, from when my mom passed away, when my stepmother taught me witchcraft to the day i ended up on the streets. He skipped nothing. He spent hours narrating my life story to me and i was just in tears. I also found out from him that my dad had passed away. I cried the entire time realising how painful my life has been.

He then said to me that my greatgrandmother sent him to rescue him. As he was saying this my grandmother and my mother appeared on his mirror in the bedroom and i just broke down. 

He told me that he is going to save me from my sad life and to do so he has to remove my womb. He said that he is going to remove my womb that my stepmother has used to slow and mess my life up. He gave me the red liquid in a black dish for me to drink.

 I drank it but it took me hours to finish it up. With each gulp i was getting dizzy and weak. I think i passed out. But i could see with a blurred vision what was happening around me. I still believe that i saw monkeys in that bedroom around me , i have every reason to believe that monkeys removed my womb.

I woke up the next day and i was laying on my back on a white sheet and i was surrounded by almost finished red candles. They were so many that at some point i thought i was surrounded by stars.

My lower abdomen was very painful. The man appeared and told me that he has successfully removed my womb and from now on the goodness of life will start following me. 

He wouldn't let me leave until i had fully recovered. He wasn't the one taking care of me, he was hardly ever around. The old lady was the one taking care of me until i fully recovered and i was fine. The man had taken my phone from me. I couldn't contact anyone for help. The old lady taking care of me has never spoken to me nor looked me in the eye. Everytime i spoke to her she wouldn't answer.

When i had recovered the man came back and told me that he was there to take me back where he had found me. It was at night, this time he was on a wheelchair. We got into the car and he was still not talking to me, i was very scared and i couldn't wait to get back to where they picked me up. 

The driver was driving very slowly but finaly we arrived. He gave me the R5000 as promised and i got off and went straight to my flat. I was still trying to make sense of everything that happened but none of it was making sense.

I was scared to leave my room for a few weeks until one day i finaly decided to step out and go back to the streets. The R5000 i had was running out because i was ordering take aways since i had no strength to cook. I had to go back to the streets and start making money because i had bills to pay.

On the first night when i went back to the streets, it was as if i was guided by angels. I had only two clients and they paid extremely well. That became my fate since that day. I attract very wealthy and elegant clients who pay extremely well it even scares me.

I now work three times a week and make enough money to sustain me for the entire month in just a week. I make 20K weekly or more.

I have managed to buy myself two cars and a very beautiful house at a safe estate. I have adopted two kids a boy and a girl because it sometimes gets lonely since i will never have kids of my own adoption became a solution.

I am able to make over 50K a month but i am troubled by a monkey that steals my used pads every month. I've resorted to washing my pads but the monkey still steals them. I am wondering if this is the same monkey that removed my womb or what's happening. 

Sometimes i find the monkey laying in my adopted daughter's bed while she's sleeping and that honestly scares me. The monkey just dissapears into thin air. I am more worried about my daughter, will what i went through pass on to her? 

Does anyone perhaps know what's happening or has anyone went through this or know anything about this ritual? I'd like to know the end results of this. Will my baby suffer the same fate as me?