


 I struggled so much as a domestic worker. There is a place in Limpopo that's filled with rich widows and rich single women. Most women became rich instantly after their husbands paassed away. Everyone including myself thought it's insurance money.

It was when i worked for one of the women as a domestic worker that i got to learn the whole truth of how they got rich. There was a secret room in her mansion. No one was allowed to enter and i respected that.

There were cameras everywhere in the house so i wouldn't risk my job like that. Until i started failing asleep on the job every single day. Each time i fell asleep i would have the same dream over and over again.

In this dream i would feel people walking up and down in the house. This would ofcourse be during the day. So whenever i woke up i would wake up very tired with a bleeding nose.

I would wake up to the whole house curtains closed and there would be a weird smell in the house. The smell of wet mud. This went on for about three months until i decided to tell my madam. When i told her she didn't seem shocked. She just said that this meant i was one of them. 

She further explained that i should find a man, make sure he marries me and soon after that sacrifice him for riches. I didn't understand at first but my madam was a very soft spoken and patient so she explained the Pro cess to me more than enough times.

In all that i picked up from there i understood that i had to get married, sell my soul to darkness, use my husband as the sacrificial lamb and then get very rich. I am a coward, i was tempted but i didn't have the guts to go through with it.

After a month of thinking it through i knew i wasn't brave enough for such so i waited for pay day, packed my bags and never looked back. My problem is that i have a problem of nose bleeding and a massive headache since.

I've never experienced nose bleeding even as a child so this for me is shocking and disturbing. I still fall asleep randomly during the day, it doesn't matter where i am. When the nap time comes i fall asleep even at the streets or shops.

Because of that i no longer even go anywhere anymore. No medical or traditional help was successful. Traditional help just explains that i disvovered things that i wasn't supposed to discover and these are the side effects.