


 Hi Admin & everyone.

Okay I have a question...Guys have you realized that people who always wanna bewitch us are people who we don't really care about them whether they're alive or what we don't care...okay so apparently I went to consult 3 prophets and all of them are telling me same thing...

My biggest mistake was going to this other night church service in the near house to my house when I was doing grade 11...they prophesied me infront of everyone in my section that I must do Nursing after my matric...Yoh kanti that will be the starting of the horrible life... starting from there I started to dream eating , having sex and being in a moving car or flying ... 

Apparently the food was to make me to be hated my everyone and to feel stomach pains, the sex was to damage my womp and to irritate all boys/men and my pussy to smell and wide open...the flying or moving car I was being using by witches near my home at night...they were sending me to work their duties at night, to go to people's houses and to my own houses💔cos sometimes 

I would even dream pooping kanti it means I've been sent to a prayerful home...ok so on the very few months they stole my book to make be blind...but they didn't work cos I prayed before opening the book. I started to have pink menstruations due to spiritual husband...(they said the spiritual husband was the animal from the mountain)

When I was writing matric final exams I developed a Rush that shocked all people even the Health care Professionals...my mom suspected HIV I tested several times and it came back negative...I suffered from Constipation from the food they fed me in my sleep...

Now I'm in another province m in University(2nd level) but they are still after me ...the prophets I consulted on all of they they told be that the witches that live near my home they know where I am even though no one told them.

They know where I school the people I surround myself with etc...they know everything about me probably...they even told be that they will never leave me they are going to follow me until they die...If they are still alive it means they are still going to be after me...so now I failed, I went to consult to 3 prophets for accuracy.

Apparently the witches at home they linked with witches that are around me here at School(you know witches can together even when they're in different provinces) okay so apparently my roommate was given Muthis to make me lazy to study and to be slow(mentally)

I also found dead chicken under my bed here at Res💔...and they are working together with my 2 friends who are my Classmates...those 2 friends and classmates they were working together to make me lazy to and they once went to a Lecturer to complain about me(idk what they said to her)

 Now that I failed one of my friends told me that she no longer wanna be my friend💔 these people there're in a mission... it's a group of people...the people from home they're working together with my friends and my roommate💔...

I was even told that when they realize that their work doesn't succeed they will poison me...Now they told me that I am surrounded by the dark cloud that brought by that animal that was sleeping with me...

off and they once send they HIV+ boy to sleep with me but I was been warned by 2 prophets earlier before I sleep with him, to proof that I asked him to go and do HIV test at clinic with me then he refused so fast suspiciously so...

I dumped him...so now I have a Depression but killing myself won't be an option because I love my mother and my family so much...ohh and I was told that I have an animal shadow in me💔. People don't like me, I irritate my bf, I don't enjoy relationships, I'm lazy to study...when I pray I feel like I'm tired of praying...

Now I changed my life plans...I no longer want kid nor being in any Relationship or friendship...I no longer trust people with my life cos people I trusted were people who turned out to be my betrayers...I no longer want a kid cos I don't see the importance of living...I feel like God flopped by making people...He should have just made animals only or something...

Nothing hurts more than failing bcz your 2 trusted friends performed witchcraft on you, they both agreed on making me fail💔...not finishing my degree in record time depresses me everyday 💔