



Desperation and poverty has proven to be the most dangerous thing in the world. I didn't understand how poor my family was until I got to university. In my village the richest family consists of one nurse and the rest are way below her including my family. The biggest house in my village Is a seven room house.

I was a brilliant pupil,passed my matric with flying colors and I was admitted to university where I met my rich friends. Peer pressure took a toll on me and I succumbed to it. I had a very rich friend who was originally from Kenya. We were both studying the same cause. We were just in our first year but he was driving a very big car and he did not live at res no res was for us. He lived at a very expensive estate not too far from the University. His things were together that one,he was just in school just because nje. Some of us were in school because we needed to change our home situations.

But with everything he had,he was the most down to earth and humble guy. When we asked how he is making his money he told us that his parents where in the USA so they sent him dollars. We were blue with envy of this guy,but a lot of speculations were made about him.

Some of them were that he was a forex scammer, a drug dealer and other crazy stories.

In our second year he invited me to his home country for one of the holidays. He invited me early in the year of our second year and I went late in the year because I had to get the right documents to cross border.

When we arrived at his home town,he lived in the biggest house I have ever seen. But hear me now when I tell you that his parents didn't look like people who's ever stepped foot in the USA.  Moreover their English was horrible. That is when I learned the truth. My friend was the bread winner and a ritualist. I figured out that he was the bread winner even before he came clean. 

Ah guys he was treated as a bread winner,he had the bread winner voice and instructed them a lot to see that no guy was the bread winner here. I know you can also spot a bread winner when you see one.

We shared a room, one day while we were sleeping I had him tip toe out of the room and I found that creepy. It made me so curious that I had to follow him. His house had those huge high walls around the house. I watched him leave the main house to the boy cotters. I followed him there and when I got there I looked through the window he was naked and there were two big men with him. There was also a very abnormal fire in that room, but funny enough the fire wasn't burning them. My friend was naked and crying while talking to the men who were wearing red.

I was so scared,my feet got heavy that I couldn't even move them. I started screaming but I couldn't hear my voice. Suddenly I felt a very big grasp on my kneck and there was this very giant big man. He carried me into the cottage with my kneck. I was so scared and I was begging for mercy but my voice couldn't come out.

My friend was laying on the floor unconscious. I was lifted into the air and thrown back on the floor. I felt my bones break but I felt no pain. Everything was now happening as if it was a dream. I remember being shown my body sleeping on the bed next to my friend. I was made to drink some black stuff that had a lot of ants in it, living ants. I was then cut on my body with a razor blade and my head too was shaved. I was put in a white bath water with my blood turning it pinkish. 

While in that bath I saw my entire family staring at me with tears coming from their eyes but they all didn't have noses. It didn't make sense why they were in Kenya when they didn't even have passport.

I started coughing, I was being choked by something. I The cough was getting so much that I was even running out of breath. Then I heard my friend shaking my body and calling my name and I opened my eyes and we were in his room. I coughed till he ran downstairs to get me water, I coughed out a ball of hair that was coloured in pink. From that day on my friend could no longer look me in the eyes. There was just tension and I was no longer comfortable. A day later it was our time to return to university.

When we got back at school I opened up my bags to unpack and instead of clothes I found a lot of money. I had three luggages and when I opened them up I found money in all of them.

In one of the luggages there was a knecklace with a snake  picture on it. The knecklace looked exactly like my friend's necklace. I knew that something wasn't right but I was scared and excited about the money at the same time.

My friend has been dodging me since,he still can't look me in the eyes. I returned home because I wanted to share the money with my family but I wasn't going to tell them that I miraculously found money in my luggage.

My parents and little brother were happy to see me since it had been a while since I came home. That night I had a dream of the knecklace turning into a live doll. The doll walked around the house with me following it. It got to my parents room and kissed both of them on the forehead. Then it vanished.

I went back to school a few days later. My little brother called me to tell me that my parents got into a big fight and they ended up stabbing each other with knives. Still doesn't make sense, I rushed home to see them at the hospital and when they saw me they looked very scared. They didn't even want me near them they asked the nurses to send me out.

The very same night they both passed away. I gave them a dignified funeral. A few weeks later I had a dream of the same doll and I following it to my little brother. The doll again kissed him on the forehead and a few days later my little brother hung himself.

I dream about them crying every other night. I took the money and visited a traditional healer who told me that the knecklace I was wearing had an evil doll living inside it. I left the knecklace with him and he said on the seventh day I will dream of the doll again but when that happens I must stab it with a knife and when I wake up in the morning I must call him and tell him that I stabbed it.

It indeed happened and he told me that he is going to throw away the knecklace at the mountains far from me and my remaining family. The money is still there but how do I spend blood money? Everytime I want to spend it I see my parentsa and little brother crying.