


 Hi plz keep me anonymous I'm young teenager who has been lost and made bigger mistakes than my age. I am turning 20 years old this year but I feel so drained. 

I grew up in a loving family with happily married parents,I have two older siblings which makes me the third one.Things started to change when my parents separated my mother is now a very angry person all the time she literally blames us for her separation and our father.

I always thank God that me and my siblings have the same father because it's not one person that is going under this pressure,so when we were still staying with my father I didn't get much love from my father because he was always at work,so when they separated I could say i really didn't have a bond with him.

Fast forward to my point,so when I was in grade 9 I met this man I could say it was love at first site because i didn't know him but we just clicked and i was so surprised when i saw his Facebook invite.

We became friends since I was a person who had no friends and i was always at home so apparently he was from the same township as mine but we saw each other at the beach but I did not know him before that i could say it was the first time i saw him when i saw him at the beach so then one thing led to another we started dating just because i didn't know anything about him.

we started having s€x when i was doing grade 11 and he really took care of me whenever I needed anything he was there to help money, toiletries,hair, anything even when i was renting when doing my grade 12 he made sure that i don't suffer so after some time last year I heard rumors that he is HIV positive not from one person but many.

 And the reason why I'm hearing this now is because now i have a gap year and m starting to interact with people around my township so I decided to test then it came out negative the whole last year i was testing after every 2 months still nothing till today.

 I asked him on WhatsApp he denied it and even suggested that we go together and test that is how i had high suspension's of the situation now my worry is that I'm losing weight and fast but still test's come out negative.

I know this is not my usual self then I had something called (ibhande) but still it's negative and i try had to break up with him and he just say's I can do anything but i will always come back to him maybe we have 20 to 25 breakup's but we will still get back together.


My brother had the same problem. He always tested negative but had all the hiv symptoms. Then eventualy he became very ill and couldn't do anything. He got admitted and a day before his death finally his results came out positive. 

The Dr then said he is what they call a career. 

I don't know what to do my mother is not a person i can open up too and i don't have any bond with my siblings because they have their lives.PLZ KEEP ME ANONYMOUS