



I was a construction worker and as known construction workers travel a lot. I joined construction work as early as 19. I enjoyed being away from home and how I would only go home once a year which is for the Christmas festives.

So construction workers are known for loving women or should I say for being Casanovas? *Laughs a bit *

There is a little bit of truth in it though, in every town,city or village we worked in we would have girlfriends. Sometimes we would be at a place for 6 months and to avoid being lonely and being bored we would get our selves a girlfriend or two.

When we move to another place after a completed project we would then get another girlfriend and cut ties with the old one. This went on for the many years I worked in construction until I met a young lady who captured my heart for good. She was very beautiful and different from lots. I noticed that she was a loner and very much shy.

She lived with her grandmother and aunt, so she was well groomed and a definite wife material. In the previous years the girls I'd meet would want to go grooving every weekend but this one turned my first invite down.

She just wanted to cook a hearty meal and down it with tea indoors as opposed to going out and spending a lot of money. She would lecture me about the importance of saving or investing in things that were long term.

When I moved to another city I kept in touch with her. I would even send her money to come visit. Three years into the relationship I knew I was ready to make her my wife. She helped me start my own construction company and helped me manage it. I have been blessed with a woman who's life resonated mine and I was more than happy.

But the only problem I had with sthandwa Sam was that once she falls asleep you would never be able to wake her up. Which I now believe that I would be sleeping with just a body while her soul was out to work as a night worker doing evil things. 

Me on the other hand also started having a problem of not remembering my dreams or even being able to wake up to go pee at night. That resulted in me wetting the bed every other night. She seemed to not be bothered by my wetting of the bed but me it was bothering me a lot.

I decided to go consult to find out why I was always wetting the bed. The sangoma seemed very shocked and scared, he kept on looking at my wife with fear. He gave me a few things to use and the next day when I wanted to use those things they miraculously dissapeared. Because I was worried about my dreams I proceeded to another Sangoma. The reason why not remembering dreams anymore bothered me was because I was a gambler and I used to untackle my dreams to numbers and win a few bucks. I went to a sangoma alone because my wife kept discouraging me each time I lost the Muti given saying that maybe my ancestors don't want me using Muti. I was tired of her discouraging ways on this one thing and then I secretly went to consult alone and I was told that I had married darkness and one day it was going to hurt me.

I don't want to lie I have never suspected my wife of anything of that line. Now it made sense why she kept on having endless miscarriages, she had sacrificed with her womb. I kept this secret for a couple of weeks but week by week I would notice strange things happening in the house at night. I was no longer falling into deep sleep like I used to thanks to the Muti I got.

At night the house felt like it was floating and it was so dark I couldn't see anything. One fatal night while I was sleeping I felt something cold crawling across my feet in the blanket,I woke up and switched on the light, it wasn't very big so I was able to smash it ok the head with a knobkerrie and I took a knife and stabbed it on the stomach and left the knife there.

The following morning I found my wife's body lifeless where the snake should have been. My wife had gone to visit his grandparents that weekend so I don't even understand how she ended up at home let along lying where the snake was with a smashed head and a knife stab where I stabbed the snake.

I screamed for help and when the community came they attacked me without listening to my side of the story. I was rescued by the police who arrested me. I was released after spending some weeks in custody. The evidence wasn't pointing at me at all. The was nothing linking me to the murder but I know what I know.

Months later I then found my late wife's letter to me, in the letter she was confessing all her dark doings and who she's been working with. She was also apologising for dragging me into such a life. To this day I still remember how the snake was killed and how my wife died. But I have made peace with Everything and ready to close that chapter of my life.