



My husband passed away a few years back and his family accused of being responsible for his death. We were involved in a car accident and I was the one driving but I survived.

So they say that it was a planned accident hence he passed on and I survived. From day one of his passing they treated me with so much hospitality and I was forced to do a soul tie during the preparations of his funeral.

On the Friday that his body came home, his family bathed him and forced me to drink a cup from his bath water then took him out of his coffin and forced me to sleep with him in the very same bed. In the morning of his funeral they cut his mail and a small portion of his hair and my hair and mixed them with Muti and closed them in a 2kg bucket.

I didn't ask any questions because I was trying to prove my innocence. What now shocks me is that my husband seems to still be alive and he sleeps with me each and every single day. We got married young so I'm very much still struggling with his death.

I am certain that his soul was captured in the 2kg bucket and I say so because every morning I wake up to it opened no matter how hard I closed it the previous day. I tried throwing the bucket away so many times but it's sooo heavy I can't lift it up.

I've even asked a few people for assistance regarding carrying the bucket but we all failed. I now smell awful down there and I wake up to a very painful vagina each and everyday. 

Seeking assistance in any way possible. I can no longer sit with or around people because of my awful smell and my vagina is always wet with stinking leaking colourless water. If I don't wear a panty liner then even the whole house smells horrible.

I smell like a decomposed body down there and I've spent a lot of money consulting but nothing helps.