



i worked as a policeman and my dad was also a policeman while my mom was a nurse. My mom died in a car accident and because she and my dad were divorced and my dad had another wife and kids, i was my mother's beneficiary.

I was my mother's only child so i still lived at home with her. I didn't earn much as a policeman and my salary was just never enough. I have a very expensive taste for life so yah my mom used to help me a lot financially. 

When her polices paid out, the bank gave me zambian financial advisor. A very beautiful lady that i ended up dating. Not only was she beautiful but she was smart too. She advised me to start a side hustle which will be another form of an extra income injection.

I was inlove so her advises always made sense. She told me that she has clients that are very wealthy and she could introduce me to them so i can learn from them.

She introduced me after sometime and we became friends. It was three men who owned bus services, trucks and the other was into constructions. The truck one caught my eye more. That guy was an engineer but ended up quiting his job because the trucks were making him a lot of money. One truck trip would bring him 20-30K but ofcourse that depended on the distance and other things. We became close and initially i bought my first two trucks.

He managed to help me get jobs for the trucks and life was fine. The only problem i was having was the drivers. Yoh they used to steal a lot from me...sometimes they would even go as far as stealing diesel from the truck or use the truck for their own benefits. I could go all day explaining the loss i endured when i had real human drivers. They would even do back door deliveries hey it was just a lot.

I complained to my friend and he told me that he also experienced the same loss when he first started until he was introduced to "obedient drivers ". 

I asked him to get me obedient drivers aswell and he said i needed to mentally ready and emotionaly unavalable for me to have obedient drivers. They call them obedient drivers because they do as they are told, never get tired, never later nor do they have anything else to do besides driving. He added that when I'm mentaly ready and emotionaly unavailable he will take me through the process. 

I was desperate to start making real money and maybe quit my job in the long run. I told him i was ready and his answer shocked me. He told me that obedient drivers are dead people. I took it as a joke until i saw how straight his face was so he wasn't joking. 

Anyway i still wanted to know more, where there is money then my intrest is there. He told me that i would need to visit a sangoma with him for the cult. My desperation for money made me go with him without thinking twice. 

He took me to his sangoma who gave me muti to use to wash my trucks and also smear some on the tyres and driving wheel. They hid nothing from me, they told me that mu drivers will hit a people on the road and i should be with them when that happens. 

I was given an empty clean mayonaise bottle to capture the spirits of the people my driver will hit on the road then bring the bottles to him. He gave me an owl feather to use to capture the spirits into the bottles.

I took a month leave from work so i can perform this rituals without disturbances. I washed truck one and smeared muti on it and the following day i went with the driver to deliver. On our way there he indeed hit a man and i distracted him by telling him to call an ambulance and the police. I ran to the body and captured it's soul. The police arriverd and declared him dead. I did the same with the second driver and on the third week i went back to the sangoma. Alone this time. My friend was away on vacation somewhere in Dubai.

After a month both my drivers quit from being my drivers. They all complained about feeling like they are not alone in the truck. I expected that because the sangoma told me to break the mayonaise bottles in each truck after he had worked on them. By breaking the bottles in the trucks meant i am releasing the spirits in each truck. So they were in the truck learning the routes and routines so my drivers were not imagining things.

To this day my trucks are driven by dead people. My business is doing exceptionally well, i even added two more trucks but now my problem is that i no longer want the obedient drivers because my guilt conscience is dealing with me on a daily basis. I can't even enjoy the good life because i feel bad everytime. My success is at the cost of innocent souls. I have tried to get the two obedient drivers spirits to be laid to rest but it doesn't seem to work. 

The sangoma that made this happen chased me away and insulted me the last time i went there to try and undo the ritual. I don't know where to turn to for help anymore.