


I am here ashamed and regretful to sick help for my mother. I have done the worst thing any child can ever do to their mother all because of wealth. My story with pain began when i reunited with my old friend whom i haven't seen in so many years.

Must have last seen her when we were 18years and in matric. I bumped into her social media profile a few years back and wow was all i kept saying. She lived a very wealthy life. Drove nice cars and her home was beyond beautiful. She is even a influencer with a lot of followers. 

She's a well known celebrity who also acted in a few well known soapies. Then she took a break to concentrate on being an influencer because acting limited her from traveling and girl loves being in the air and on the road. 

After following her and commenting on a few of her stuff she remembered me and sent me a DM. Soon after that we exchanged numbers and we began chatting everyday. Phone calls here and there and shame she also helped me out financialy after learning that my life is at a stand still.

She would send me money for electricity when we didn't have and send me money for food not forgetting sending me clothes via paxi because we lived in different provinces. She used to send me clothes she wore once because as an influencer she used to say she can't reapeat clothes. 

My life started becoming better. Her mom and my mom were close friends, sadly her mom passed away years back. My mom was still alive and we lived off money she would make from selling vegetables at the taxi rank.

Her mom too used to sell snacks and cold drinks at the taxi rank but unfortunately she became very ill and passed. Trouble began when she came back home and came to my house. She drove a country man mini cooper and shame she brought us a lot of goodies.

My mom was offish towards her though. As soon as she left my mother told me to becareful of her because her mother died complaining about her. I brushed my mother's warning off because for me neh?it felt like she was just being an elder who is intimidated by the success of a young woman.

Few months later my friend invited me to her mansion in Bryanston. I swear my jaw was mopping the streets the entire time while driving past the houses there. I had never seen so many big and beautiful houses in my life.

I'm just a girl from the rural areas where a big house was a 6 roomed house and that was luxury for us in the rurals. My friend was just smiling and giggling at how shocked i was. Yoh her house too was amazing, i had never in my life set foot is such a beautiful house. Let along sleep and eat in one.

Anyway she showed me around and took me out a few times showing me the good life. I wanted that life too. One day she told me that i could have the very same life but i would need to be strong enoug to lose the most important person in my life. 

I honestly think before we are approached about making rituals that cost us our loved once we get brainwashed first. My mother was my bestfriend and the love of my life, everytime i envisioned my successful life she would always be the first person i wanted to make proud. 

But when my friend introduced me to the idea of sacrificing my mother i fell for it right away. I didn't even think twice about it. She flew me to Mozambique to sacrifice my mother for the money ritual. 

I remember giving the witch doctor my mother's picture with her full names and her ancestors names written at the back of the picture. By ancestors i mean my grandparents and my great grandparents. 

I sat in the witch doctor's consulting room while she insulted and cursed my mother's ancestors telling them to sleep and to leave my mother alone. All this the witch doctor was saying while flying a black candle around my mother's photo and pouring a black chicken's blood on the photo.

She used the blood to draw a big circle around the names and said "you are now caged and you'll never disturb me from doing what i want to do to your child ". The sad thing about this is i was there and i didn't even stop her, infact i remember being excited about this.

I honestly believe i was brainwashed or hypnotized somehow. When all was said and done i went back to the hotel to rest. While i was doing all this my friend was out in Mozambique creating content and living her bestlife. 

The next day we flew back to our country. A few days later my siblings called me telling me that my mother was bit by a snake. She was admitted at the hospital. I had to rush back to the village because i was the oldest child. 

My friend stopped me from going home saying that if i go then i will ruin everything. I kept on communicating to my siblings and the hospital she was in. I would send my siblings money. I was doing the same thing that my friend did the time her mother was attacked by bees and became very ill there after. 

I lied to the Doctors and my siblings, i told them i had just gotten a job and i sadly can't start a new job and get leave. My mom was hospitalised for a month before she passed. That was when i was allowed to go back home to capture her spirit. 

I had muti to use on her body in order to capture her spirit. When her body arrived back home on friday night, i asked for a moment to say my goodbyes to her alone. Culturally it's allowed, we are even allowed to perform traditionally rituals on the body before the burial.

I locked the door and used the muti given. I saw my mom changing into a lot of money in the coffin then to herself again very quickly. I saw her leave her waking up from the coffin and entering my luggage. I suddenly saw a dry log in her coffin. I don't even know how to explain what happened on that day.

When i told my friend about this all she said was welcome to wealth andsuccess. My friend came home with me for my mother's funeral. On the funeral day people had the opportunity to see my mother in the coffin one last time.

I still don't understand how they did not see that it's a log in there. After the funeral things started looking very bright for me. My mother was now my juju. I sent her to get money everytime i needed money. She would always come back with a very big bag of money.

She was dirty and stinky with bruises and cuts all over her body. My friend says she had bruises because she was probably stubborn so the money master has to discipline her.

That's just how my life of wealth began. I bought cars, built a masion for my siblings but i am no longer happy at all😭. I hate seeing my mother like this. She lives inside our pit toilet that is in my yard and it now kills me seeing her the way that she is.

I feel like she is being abused and mistreated by the money master. I need help for her soul to now rest foreal or for her life to be brought back. I miss my mother so much and my friend says there's no redoing the spell.

But i am here hoping that maybe there is a way.