


Please hide my identity.

I am a troubled woman. I work as a domestic worker for a very rich indian family. The family lives in a very big yard with a very big house. It's like a farm house except for that they do not farm at all.

I earn a lot of money for a domestic worker and the weird thing is no one in this family works. Even the kids don't even attend school. They are always home but you'll hardly ever see them doing anything except for watching tv and taking naps.

The house is so quiet and has this heavy feel. Sometimes i feel like there's someone watching me and when i turn around it's one of the family members and they are watching me in a very creepy way. 

I am always jumpy whenever I'm in the house. There's a garage that i was told to never ever open or go in no matter what. There's always some soft instrumental music playing in that garage. At night the music gets super loud like there's someone turning up. But during the day it's so soft it soothes you and you might even fall asleep.

Another thing I've noticed is that I've noticed that the family do not have a relationship with each other at all. I've never ever seen them sitting talking or just talking like a family would. 

But their pets get along very very well it's even scary. Where i come from no animal gets along with a monkey. Infact a monkey is provocative and it's bad omen to have it as a pet. But in this family a monkey is the very best friend with a chicken and more.

The family consists of a middle aged couple and 3 children. The first one being a teenager and the last born is 6 years old. As mentioned above the family has no relationship with each other but their pets have a relationship with each other. 

The pets are more alive and cosy. You'd swear the pets are the real owners of the house. It's like the humans in this house are using the brains of the pets and vice versa.

Another thing is i am not allowed to have a camera phone here. They also don't use phones only a landline. Very weird if you ask me. So the other day i came accross a video of pets that don't get along bonding well with each other and it made me wonder if It's normal and if I'm just being paranoid over nothing.

I've shared the video with you. It resemblance exactly what happens in that house. My camera phone is only used when I'm off and at my house. I miss being on social media when I'm there but I'm even getting used to not being able to access it.

I once heard from the gardener that there was a house help who once took videos and not followed rules and the helper was fired after leaking a video. According to the gardener she fell ill and started growing fur/hair all over her body and passed away. 

I would like to be connected to an African traditional healer to protect myself please.