



I am 23 years in a relationship with a 28 year old. We have 9 months old daughter and been staying together for the past 3 years. Problem started the day after his graduation. 

I got Facebook threats from his baby mama, threatening me to stay away and she was even swearing on her father's grave. A month later we had little alliterations.

I told my boyfriend that there is something wrong but he felt like I was taking the threats to my head. First week of July, we had a huge fallout and everything was bad. Even life in general. 

My car was involved in an accident and everyone around us distanced themselves from me. Long story short, 

I went to consult and found out everything is falling out because my boyfriend's mother and his baby mama are using muthi on us, to break up and the worse thing is that it's not only destroying our relationship but it's having a bad luck on life in general hence my car was even involved in an accident.

Due to the sensitivity of the issue, I couldn't break news to my boyfriend instead I told him to go and consult. I was given muthi to cleanse myself but things are bad.

Recently, he told me to pack my staff n leave, it was in the evening. Had no where to go and immediately when I started packing. He rushed to apologize, telling me how sorry he is and that he is the monster he has turned out to be.

I have known his for more than 8 years. I know he would never hurt me but what's happening is too much.

I am tempted to pack n start my life away from him. My problem is that am I taking that decision because of that muthi or it's really what I want.