


 Good day kindly keep me anonymous.  My husband and I have been together for a few years. Our relationship has always been beautiful except the fact that his family hates me, we decided to ignore them and focus on us.

After a while our lives began to turn upside down and we would fight everyday so when we consult we were told his family is behind everything, 6 different people including sangomas and pastors told us the same thing.

Okay fine we decided that we'll stay united and fight together, our way of fighting has always been prayer then boom my husband suddenly changed and started treating me bad, saying all kinds of hurtful things to me and being moody around me almost everyday e.t.c..

he started defending his family, he started taking their side, he became friends with them and he mistreated me. I became his enemy imagine guys 😭😭 could tell that they have now captured him and it broke my heart coz I didn't know how to help him.

Our relationship turned sour and sour as time went by. It's like i was now disgusting him..So good people I need you to advise me. A part of me is saying I should stand up go to a sangoma and fight for my marriage..

 another part is saying I should walk away as much as it's painful. What do u think will be best? I am so drained..Please don't tell me to pray for him coz that's what I've been always doing. I'll read the comments