



I grew up as someone who didn't like school at all. I attended primary school to the end because obviously i was scared of my parents. 

Even so i was a very disrespectful child and very cocky towards the teachers. But i pushed through until high school. When i was in grade 9, i once forgot to do my homework and my teacher dissed me infront of the whole class. They all laughed at me and i got very angry and back chat. My teacher then slapped me across the face and i got extremely angry. I walked  out of class and went straight home. 

I took a knife and walked back to school and i wanted to stab him but i was stopped by other teachers so i stormed out of the school and i never sat my foot there ever again.

I felt very disrespected by them and my parents did not take my side at all. When my dad tried to reprimand me i fought back so that was when they chased me out of the house.

I started living on the streets and i had to learn survival tactics. I started stealing and robbing people. Then it became my life and i loved it. I lived a dangerous life and it excited me. I would rob people at gunpoint even though it was a toy gun. People did not know that it's a toy. So i always got away with it.

One day i robbed this other man at gun point not knowing that i was robbing the lord of gangsterism. He just laughed at me and pushed the gun out of his face and pointed me with a real gun. I begged him to spare my life and he told me that he will do so if i do everything he tells me.

He told me to follow him, i followed him to a very fancy car. He drove off with me inside and even though i was scared i had to act tough. I thought that would be the end of my life i must be honest.

He then told me how dangerous the life i am living was and how he has been through what i am going through. He shared his life story and it was almost the same as mine. He too has lived on the streets and mugged people. The only difference was that his parents died young and his relatives abused him so he ran to the streets for protection. 

He started stealing, mugging and robbing people so that he can sell what he takes from people to buy food for survival. He then told me that he now does bigger gigs. He does heists and bombing banks and so on and forth.

He took me to a very nice house where he gave me clean clothes and told me to take a bath. After my bath he gave me food and then showed me to a bedroom where he told me that would be my new home. He treated me well for a few weeks and i kept asking myself why. 

It made sense when he one day came home with a case of all kinds of guns and i was super excited to experience such. I was very happy and he taught me so much about guns and how to use them.

Everyday i was learning new things about being a thug. Little did i know that was a training in motion but nonetheless i was enjoying every moment.

He had bullet proofs vests, uniforms and many other things he used for his gigs. He was letting me in on what he does and slowly but surely i was getting a hang of it. 

He took me to shooting classes and so much more. A few months later he told me that we are going to maputo for a cat ritual. I wondered what that was so he explained. 

A cat ritual is a ritual used to protect you from death. You do the ritual and even if you get shot during a gig you will not die but live on because you have adopted a cat's lives into your body.

When we got to Maputo, i was given a very big cat, the cat was well and healthy so i was told to sleep with it. We were covered with a very big black plastic and i was told to sleep and i would get more instructions the next day.

The next day i was told to feed the cat milk until it's stomach gets so full and it vomits. I overfed it fresh milk that was mixed with muti given by the ritualist we went to in Maputo.

The ritualist was a very scary short man who had really long hair and beards that covered his whole face. Never got to see his face all i heard was his voice and he lispeses when he spoke.

The cat drank almost 4L of milk and i could see that even though it was full it couldn't stop itself from drinking, it kept going on and on until it eventualy fell on its side and it couldn't move.

I was told to stare it the eyes until it's eyes turn only white. When it's eyes turned white it then started vomiting. It was laying on a white doek and that's where it vomitted. I was told to kneel on the white doek and start eating up the cat's vomit like a cat. I should lick the vomit exactly how a cat eats.

I did as i was told and i kept on feeling like i could vomit obviously the thought of eating vomit is enough to make one disgusted.

After eating the vomit which took me over 2 hours, i then fainted. When i woke up i was laying on a red plastic mat with the cat laying beside me.

The cat and i had needless pinned on us. I was then told that i am almost done with the ritual. I watched the cat being stabbed infront of me and it's blood poured into a mug and i was told to drink it.

I was then given a spade to dig a whole and bury th cat. I was also given a needles to write my name on the spot where i buried the cat.

I was given 9 candles to light overnight until they were all done. The nine candles represented my nine lives. On the 9th day the man came to fetch me.

When we got home he gave me my own bag full of a uniform, guns and bullet proofs. From that day on i was told that i have officially joined their gang.

I was so happy and i would do heists and ATM bombings and i always got away with it. I was shot i think 5 times but i survived. I was in the gang for over 15 years. I would even do hijackings and dying was never a part of my fears because i knew i had many lives from the cat ritual.

But when the Maputo sangoma passed on my luck changed. I was arrested after being shot 4 times. 

I spent many years behind bars and when i was finaly released i started struggling. I miss my fast life and i am here to ask if anyone knows the cat ritual or know anyone who can do the car ritual. I want my fast life back because i tried to be a goof citizen but hunger is destroying my citizenship. Help me locate anyone who knows a cat ritualist anywhere around Africa.