



I'm 20 years old ...young girl

I'm from Bloemfontein...doing grade 11 my life is something else (more than complicated)I'm living with my boyfriend since last year the reason why it's because from 2018 i lived with my mom's sister. They took care of me.

But sometimes it was little bit too much because i was always hurt because they had an agreement that My mom if she wants me to live with them she would contribute 500 every month 🥺 okay fast forward things was good but my mom started having problems with money ...she made lots of debts and the sassa card was forever with loan sharks.

That's when my aunt's kids started  changing towards me sometimes I would sleep without eating or go to school without bathing ...and that Hurd me so much still now so I know I would only eat at school then when I get home there's nothing

Part 2

Then I started to not go home anymore 🥺 after school I will go to my boyfriend's mom n she would dish up for me and my boyfriend's sister would give me pads ..soap and stuff

In 2020 I started sleeping at streets to avoid sleeping with an empty stomach ...and My boyfriend's mom heard about that ..after school she called me and she I could come and live with them ..so I moved in

My grandmother was helping me with money to contribute until she died I'm still living with my boyfriend ...now he's something else I wish i hadn't moved in with him.I'm nothing to him but a fool I once moved in with my mom in botshabelo but things did'nt work out because she couldn't  afford money for transport as I was using a Bus botshabelo to Bloemfontein ..

I'm asking myself questions that I couldn't answer Mme Waka o dula a kene dikoloto ha tsebe a tswe jwang

Sometimes I would dream my grandmother or died people..sometimes ke Lora keja or having sex I don't know what to do ...I have a depression I'm a very quiet person 🥺 even if someone do me wrong I would just keep quiet ...when I'm angry I would cut myself or drink pills

I don't know what to do I'm alone I have no one can somebody help me please ... please don't judge me I need your advice please 🙏