



I work for a very wealthy man who's now in his sixties. I work as a cleaner and i am 40 years old. I am the oldest in all his offices. 

He own law firms where he hires young employees only. He prefers hiring the young ones fresh from university/colleges or even those with no qualifications he does not mind hiring them then paying for their fees to get qualified.

His companies has the most beautiful young women who are still trying to figure life out and the male employees are also young but just a few. 

I got a shock when i realised that my boss is a ritualist. I am a cleaner at his main branch in Gauteng. I would like to remain anonymous for safety reasons. 

In the main branch he has this big room, more like a basement where he has pictures of the ladies he has hired. The most disturbing thing about this pictures is that he made them take full body pictures convincing them that it is for their name tags or access code.

These young employees take pictures thinking it's from head to kneck not knowing that there is a hidden camera taking a full body picture. 

Each and every picture has a red mark on the breasts and the private part. Theres also a needs on the forehead. 

I found out about the private room when we had a power failure at th building and we couldn't get a hold of him. So i decided to go to the basement to look for the main switch since we didn't know where it was placed. 

I got the shock of my life and i ran out as fast as I could ,after what I had discovered I didn't have the guts to tell anyone what I saw even though i really wanted to. Something was just preventing me from saying anything.

That Same night in my sleep i had a weird dream that felt very real. I dreamt telling the story to my wife and the minute i finished telling her i started burning up, there was fire all over my body and everyone in the office was just staring at me. In the dream I was at work.

From that day on i started waking up with burnt scars on my body at different parts of my body. My boss then doubled my salary without even telling me,I was just shocked that I finally got a raise after begging for a raise for so many years.

One weird thing about my boss is that you will hardly ever see him at the building but he knows everything that goes on there. Most mornings he gives orders by leaving notes on each and every employees table. We all found tasks to do when we got to work. We all assumed he either goes to the building early in the mornings before anyone gets there or he goes later after everyone has gone home.

He hired the most beautiful ladies who are under qualified, inexperienced and grows them in the industry.

They fear him so much, it's like he has a hold over them and they are his puppets. Their fear of him is not the normal employer, employee fear. There is more to it and the pictures have confirmed my suspections.

I want to understand how or why I keep waking up with burns after the dreams I have and also does anyone maybe know if this man has captured the souls of this young ladies and what will happen to them once he is done with them.

As a father this scares me so much and I am putting myself in the shoes of the parents to this kids.

I've consulted and i was told that the burns are a sign that i am keeping a burning secret. Also i have recently discovered that my boss uses the girls to maintain his wealth. Uthwele ngabo and each time he sleeps with them he is appeasing his money god. He gets more than pleasure from them, he brings darkness into their lives in order to bring light into his life.

May we as parents kindly not force our children to work in environments they are not happy in and also to not give them pressure when not employed. That forces them to sleep their way into jobs.

The young men who work for the company are either gay or bisexual. That says a lot about the kind of man this man is.

Another thing is that he does not hire single ladies, they have to be in a relationship for him to hire them. He on the other hand is a divorcee.  A part of me strongly belives that the partners of the young ladies are also sacrificed through the ladies. 

All these young girls are breadwinners. Seems like the men lose their luck soon as the young ladies get involved with this certain companies.