


 Dear admin please keep me anonymous

I battle alot with depression so 

Yesterday at school I was feeling very overwhelmed,suicidal and depressed during maths period I told my guy friend how i wish i could sleep and not wake up again not knowing that my teacher was listening to our conversation.

Instead of trying to be there for me she said and I quote " why don't you just drink poison then?"I felt my heart sink and I felt so hopeless and I had a mental breakdown during class and instead of apologizing she says she's handled kids like me before , what's my problem?and it just made matters worse so I just got up and left to cry in the bathroom.

I was literally a mess people kept giving me looks as I walked to the bathroom cuz tears were just falling out .And when I got home I thought about what she said and wanted to commit suicide again(it wasn't my first time if I had done it it would be my fourth time)as I've said already I struggled alot with my mental health.

Honestly this teacher has been on my case this isn't the first thing she's said to me I just want my story to be heard because as soon as my mom came home from work I told her and she went to my school the next day and tried telling my principal what had happened.

And instead of my principal doing something he just said and I quote "that teacher is one of the teacher who help me tun this school smoothly "basically meaning he won't intervene this are the kinds of things that happen in schools and I feel like our voices deserve to be heard because last year one gr12 boy killed himself and during his memorial service which was held at school.


Teachers claimed to wish they had seen the signs but when we do give them signs they say such things and calling kids things like sluts and exposing kid's personal matters is normalized and mind you my maths teacher didn't even apologize even now I really want my story to heard because I've been quiet for to long and alot of messed up things happen in my school