


 Please hide my name.

I truly am shocked to say the least. I was warned about the kind of family i was dating into. But when you are inlove you are just naive and stupid inlove.

My baby daddy's mom never liked me from the word go. She prevented my baby daddy from marrying me and i made peace with it. Whenever he would go home when he came back we would have endless fights. He would treat me so bad like he totaly hated me.

When i fell pregnant he refused to tell his mom and begged me not to. She was only told 6 days after i had given birth and the umbilical cord had fallen off. My baby daddy refused to tell me why but he kept on saying it's for my sake and that of the baby. 

I remember at some point i thought he was hiding the fact that he impregnated me because he didn't want to dissapoint and break her heart. To my surprise his mother changed tunes when she had we have a baby.

She celebrated with us and i thought it was genuine...she started treating me way better and we became close. Unfortunately when my daughter was 2years old my baby daddy passed away.  His mother and i continued being close and raising the baby together. 

I got married when she was 4 years and my baby daddy's mom asked that we don't shut her out of her grand daughter's life and of course we were not planning on that at all. My daughter visited her grandmother every single holidays and sometimes randomly on weekends.

She had grown so fond of her grandmother. Now the shock came when one day she came back and she started saying so many none making sense things. I've shared some of the things with you guys to tell me if this could be true or she's just imagining things. 

She's 7 years old now and i don't know if i should stop her from visiting her grandmother or confront the grandmother and get clarity. But i also think because she's a kid she might be mixing dreams with reality i hope i am so right. 

I haven't even told my husband yet because this is beyond scary for me and i am more scared to find out if she's not just hallucinating. I need second opinion on the audio. I am just numb and defeated. 

I am thinking of confronting grandmother but I'm very scared to make life hard for my daughter. NB: this is not the first time she tells me something so disturbing so the inner me is starting to believe her.

I once stormed out of church because the pastor kept accusing my child of witchcraft and I've never ever set foot there again. I would like to find out what kind of help i can get my child.

As much as i no longer allow her to go to her grandmother's anymore, i still feel like SHE  still has access to her. Some nights my daughter becomes as cold as a dead person and you won't wake her from that. 

Then in the morning she wakes up tired and very drained and she will sleep the whole day as if she's sick. No