


Please hide my name. I grew up not knowing my dad, after searching for many years and forcing my mom to tell me who my dad was she finally gave me a lead which i followed.

I was so heartbroken to learn that my father had passed on. But i consoled myself on finding my grandmother alive atleast. We got to know each other a bit more and kept in contact. We got along so well. She was a sangoma so i visited her every chance i got since she was a busy person. 

More than anything i was happy to have found atleast someone to tell me about my father. But there was something off about my grandmother's yard. Whenever i went there at night i would have horrible nightmares of a group of old woman full in the house.

They would be so many and they would all be n@ked and speaking in weird tongues. When i asked my grandmother about my dream she told me that it's not a dream it's her ancestors having a meeting.

I loved her so much that i believed her. But what i noticed is that her room smelled like poo and one day i sneaked in and found a lot of poo there. She collects people's poo for what i don't know. She has a big jojo tank full of poo.

I used to post her a lot on my social media, i had to delete her pics when i saw a video of her caught by the community of where she lives and forced to eat the curse in a small bottle. She has so many of those bottles in her room and the bottles each have people's names.

The bottles also consits of poo so basically she was forced to eat someone's poo. I haven't visited nor spoken to her since i saw the video and i wonder if she's okay but i have cut her off because i don't WANT to be associated with witches.