

Each time i share my story sperms comes out of my Mouth and my v@gina Dissapears

 Each time i share my story sp€rms comes out of my Mouth and my v@gina Dissapears

I have been quiet for a few years now because of the things i experience after seeking for help. Be it digital help or consulting the consequences are always there. So some years back i used to see some man starring at me in a very uncomfortable way. 

I started noticing that each time i go to the mall the man is always there and he literaly stared at me like he has just seen a ghost. The man would follow me around the mall till i got in the taxi. 

What started creeping me out was that when i would stop and looked at him he would also stop. I knew my life was in danger somehow so i ran to the mall security for help and luckily the responded to my complain very swiftly.

But when we looked for him we could no longer find him. Then from the day i reported i went shopping twice and did not see him. But i started dreaming about him. I dreamt of him telling me to meet him at a certain restaurant,he gave me the date and time.

I kept on having the same dream over and over again. I kept ignoring it, the date and time given came and passed and i did not go. I started getting the same dream but with a different date and time. 

I could not ignore it because i started waking up with a very severe headache and the smell of smoke in my house. In the dream he spoke to me while making fire so waking up to a smokey house made me terrified. 

I eventually decided to follow the dream instructions on the second date given. I got so scared when i saw him there waiting for me. It scared me how i just dreamt of him giving me instructions and here we are. When i arrived he got up, pulled a chair for me and hugged me as if we knew each other. 

He started crying then told me that i look exactly like his late wife. He told me a very long story of how his wife died a few months back and seeing me at the mall was his happiest moments because i am an exact replica of his late wife. Then he apologised for making me uncomfortable and feeling stalked. 

He was a handsome man, spoke well and very humble. I somewhat became attracted to him after our conversation. From that day on we exchanged numbers and continued talking daily, we were always on the phone with each other. If we are not texting each other then we are calling each other. 

We became very close. When i asked him how come i saw him in my dream giving me dates and time then he showed up for real. He said he had the same dream of me giving dates and time. We both believe greatly in ancestors so we concluded that it was our ancestors at work. 

One day he called me and asked me to come meet his brother who was in South Africa to visit and he will be leaving soon. The guy is Congolese. He picked me up and i he took me to his house for the very first time.

His house was huge. The mansion was so big that i could not believe i was dating someone with such a huge mansion yet he is very humble. I knew he had money because he sent me money every morning to say good morning so i knew he was loaded. Since we started speaking he had been sending me R1000 everyday without fail.

When we got to the house i waited in the sitting room, he told me he was going to change. I was shocked when i saw him coming back with a green doek wrapped around his waist and the doek had a white snake drawn on it where his mamhood is. He was topless and barefoot. 

He then told me that he is ready to marry me that is why he asked his brother to come over. He asked me to take off my shoes and earings and follow him.

I started becoming uncomfortable but i kept quiet and followed him. No muscle on my brain told me to run away as scared as i was. It was like i instantly became dumb founded and couldn't even think for myself.

I followed him down the passage into a darkish room,there was no windows there and he told me to keep quiet and stay calm when we enter.

There was big mirror and he told me to stand infront of it and close my eyes. In that room we found a man he said was the brother i am there to meet.

 The brother then told me that we are going to pray and ask their ancestors if i am the right woman for their brother. He told me that they communicate directly to their ancestors. They talk to them and they answer. That creeped me out so very much but i remembered that i had to remain calm.

I kept quiet and listened to them as they started talking to their ancestors and suddenly it started getting darker in the room. Before i know it i couldn't see a single thing. Then i started hearing so many strange and different voices. It was as if there were more people in the room.

I still don't know what the voices were saying because they spoke in their language which i don't understand,i am just assuming it's their language. 

I think i must have passed out because the next thing i know i was sleeping in a bedroom i don't remember going to. My boyfriend was there holding a tray of breakfast and he kissed me on the cheek and said goodmorning my wife. I gave him the confused stare and he smiled and calmly said yes we got married last night. I was lost for words so i just kept quiet. I didn't even eat, then i asked him to take me home. 

He said he had a meeting but he can drop me off by the taxi rank. He then gave me a black gift bag and said it's my wedding present from him to me. He asked me to only open the gift when i get home. 

He dropped me off at the taxi rank and I've never seen him ever since. Since that day i have no interest in men anymore. I dream of myself having intercourse with a very weird looking creature.

In the morning when i wake up, i wake up wet to show that i indeed had intercourse. It's been happening ever since. I tried getting help but everytime i tell my story or try to get help the animal in mt dream has rough sex with me and i wake up with sperms coming out of my mouth and when on that day i won't pee or even feel my  v@gina. It is there when i look at it but when i touch it i can't feel anything. 

Then a week later when i start to feel it i feel so much pain like someone stabbed me with needles on it. Even sharing with you now i know the consequences but i pray and hope for a permanent solution from you guys.