


 I met my husband soon after his divorce with his first wife. They had been separated for almost 5 years and on the 6th year their divorce was finaly finalised. My husband and his first wife were blessed with two kids. 

I met him on the night of his divorce celebration at a club. He was with his friends and i was with my friends. My friends and u were also out celebrating our graduation. We joined each other's tables and we celbrated the night away.

We exchanged numbers and we started communicating. With us I'd like to believe it was love at first sight. A few weeks later we went on our first proper date. Within 6 months he proposed and a year later we got married.

My mother inlaw really didn't like me. Even before my husband proposed, he introduced me to his mom and she spent half the time talking about the first wife. The conversation became a norm until i complained to my husband and he had a little talk with her.

She stopped talking about her ex daughter inlaw only in the presence of my husband but in his absence that's all i had to listen to. Apparently my husband was a womaniser and cheated on his first wife a lot. According to people who knew him before me, he was for the streets.

Since he met me his life improved so much because he became a much more responsible man. We hardly spent time awat from each other. If we were not at work then we were together. On weekends we would rather stay home and watch soccer and movies.

That kind of lifestyle saved us a lot of money so were able to achieve so much goals. We both bought cars and bought a beautiful home. His mother then summoned us to her house. She said there was something important she wanted to talk to us about. 

She lived about an hour away from our house. When we got there she told us that she had a chronic disease(cancer) and had very little time left on earth. She had one request for us. She requested that we visit her every sunday for lunch at her house.

She asked me to allow her to cook for us every sunday and she guilt tripped us by saying that was her death wish. I accepted although i was uncomfortable with the decision because i was tired of hearing about my husband's ex wife. 

My mother inlaw would even call the ex wife in my presence and they spoke in codes only they would understand then they would burst out in laughter. She would sometimes even video call her and tell her to come teach me how to dress because according to my mother inlaw i was bad.

Anyway, we honored her request and started going to her house for lunch every sunday. But everytime after lunch i would fall really sick. I would have so much stomach pain, hot flashes and sweat a lot. 

This kept on happening and i started suspecting that my mother inlaw was trying to poison me because she prefers the ex wife. My mother inlaw believed i had fed her son a love portion and that is why he was a better husband to me even though we didn't have kids together. 

I have a daughter which i had while still in high school but my daughter lives with my parents. My mother inlaw made it clear that she would never accept another man's child in her house so i kept my daughter away from my mother inlaw but my husband had a beautiful relationship with my daughter. 

Every Sunday was a nightmare for me. I kept getting sicker and sicker with each visit. My husband wouldn't take it well when i told him that i no longer wanted to do lunch at his parents house. He said i was getting sivj because it was all in my head and i had my mind made up about his mom.

So i kept forcing my self even though eat the end of the day i was the one enduring pain. I kept going to keep the peace in my marriage. One day i felt that enough is enough so i decided to drive to my mother in-laws house to confront her.

She didn't hear my car pull in the driveway. I overheard her having a conversation on the phone with someone. She was boosting about how i will soon be hospitalised and how my womb will be removed. She was telling the person on the line that the muti was working and by the time i think of consulting it would've been late.

She was assuring the person that i will never bear kids for her son and soon her son will get back with her original daughter in law and i am just a fong kong daughter inlaw who uses muti.  I couldn't help myself, i bust opened the door and yelled her by name.

You'd think she'd be remorseful she just hung and started insulting me. She kept telling me how much i deserve what she's been doing to me. I dialed her son's number without her noticing. I made him listen to all his mother's conspiracy.

When she was done i handed her the phone and told her that her son wanted to talk to her. She started crying and telling him how i am accusing her of witchcraft. She had no idea that he had been on the line for a while. 

I went home and i packed everything and went back to my parents house. I wanted to divorce him but he begged me not to and my parents also convinced me that he was a good man and he has no control of his mom's actions.

We managed to get help although it took us over 5 years to finaly conceive. We have now been blessed with triplets. I have however stopped forcing love from my inlaws. I stay out of their way and they stay out of mine. It's a pity my husband is caught in the middle of this but i encourage him visit them every now and them.

If your inlaws don't like you, please don't force a relationship with them. You could be putting your life in danger, stay far away from them and respect how they feel about you and don't even try to change their minds.