



I hope i will find the help that i need here. I am a 26 year old woman who's been doing evil for the past 16 years.

It all started when i was 10 years old. I was visiting my aunt and at night i started hearing strange noises. I tried ignoring the voices but my hair kept on shivering so i knew something was wrong. It was like there are many people having different conversations as if they are at some sort of gathering. 

I tried forcing myself to sleep but the more i slept the louder the voices got. I then decided to tiptoe to see what was happening. The noise sounded like it was coming from the sitting and dinning room.

My aunt had a very big house, but she's never worked a day in her life. She only sells ice blocks to school kids and she only sells when she's bored, it wasn't an everyday thing. 

Also she is someone who sleeps a lot during the day. If ever you go to her house during the day you'll find her sleeping 95% of the time.

As much as she was always sleeping you'd never hear her complain about money. Money is something she always had no matter what.

She lived alone but when she went grocery shopping she would fill up her bakkie with bulk food. She bought so much food to feed the entire community yet she lived alone.

She lived a very comfortable and porsh life. That made her everyone's favourite aunt and we loved visiting her.

Back to how i ended up joining her dark world. The commotion that was happening that night was a lot. I then decided to go see what was happening.  As i stepped out of the room i saw so many people from the corridor way all the way to the kitchen, dining room and sitting room. It was a full house and it was quiet busy.

You know how the house is always packed and busy whenever there is a funeral at that house? That's how packed it was. But to my suprise everyone there only had one eye.

I tried going back to the room only to realise that the door was nowhere to be seen, it was like there was never a door at all there.

The people there all carried something on their head. Some were carrying kettles, pots, plates, plastic mats and so on.

My aunt appeared from my back and told me not to be scared.  She told me to keep waking till the kitchen. I was terrified! I walked slowly while i was trying not to bump into any of those people.

When we got to the kitchen i found about 5 elderly women dishing out in about 50+ plates. Suddenly everyone qued to get their food. It was just busy and if a heart attack didn't kill me today then I'll never die from it.

Suddenly everyone was eating and i realised that everyone there didn't have tongues. They ate like they haven't eaten in so long. There crumbs everywhere. 

My aunt then told me that i have officialy joined her and she is happy to share our gift. I was confused but she told me to give it time because it's our generational inheritance. She said every generation in our family had the chosen aunt and i was the new generation aunt. She then gave me s black rope and a very big needle and some red powder.

She ordered me to put them under my pillow when i go back to bed. The people then knelt down and started clapping hands and singing praises. I and my aunt were the only two standing.

I wish i could go deeper into detail but i can't. My aunt was right about one thing though, our family had a history of rich unemployed aunts who never had kids nor gotten married. Today i am that aunt.

Unemployed but rich is questionable right? Well the truth is we are forced to steal people's luck and success with rituals. We use the egg ritual.

We have a black chicken that's been there for many centuries and decades, we only use the eggs from that chicken. The chicken can spot luck and success on a person before the person even gets them. The chicken then lays an egg and it comes out written the person's name and surname. What we then need to do is make sure we get the person's DNA.

It's very easy to get that. We make relationships with hair dressers, restaurant owners and so forth. We hypnotize them for easy access. When the target goes to do their hair we get their hair or if they eat at a restaurant we get their spoons or sometimes we just hug and kiss them as a form of a greeting and we are done. Even footprints works. There's so many ways around this.

Then we take the egg and boil it together with the DNA and mix it with herbs to make the persons life as hard as the boiled egg. By boiling the egg we have made their lives stagnant. 

Or we just perform a ritual on the egg then smash it on the ground. By doing so we have destroyed every goo thing in the person's life.

I am currently getting help from st john church to release me from the dark world. It's hard as sometimes at night i get choked by things i can't see. I want to be a mother one day and that is why i want none of this life.