


 Dear Admin please add on my previous post as anonymous.

My 5 yr old son told me that I have a tokoloshe on my roof and he has something in his mouth that he wants to put in my mind. I dont know if it has anything to do with my dream but I do know that the is tokoloshe ontop of the roof almost every night.

Years ago my mamazala took me to consult she told me that my marriage would be happy if I go I was very young at the time I went then they cut me on arms and legs and put muthi inside. But now I dont think it was for my marriage my husband was unfaithful up untill the day he died he had a rare illness since childhood. 

But even after he died I was loyal to mamazala I could even take R20k and give this woman. Over the years while husband was alive I would find red powder in my underwear. Before I would knew things before they happen I would see things in dream and they would happen just like that. Now I cant anymore.

 I use to have a good job at a young age I use to go on holiday I use to afford nice things. Now I live in shack depending on R350. My job was at government I cant even explain how I got to the point to just resign. I have a problem with mice in my shack even if I have money to buy glue trap you can catch 9 in one week it is like the one replace the other one. 

They eat my food. They even climb on top of fridge I dont know how. They come in from underground by just eating cement. At night you can even hear them whispering to each other. Few weeks back I was not home my daughter told me there was an owl ontop of the roof. 

The area we live it is not common to have owl and mice. Always in my dream I am eating something I always have people around me in my dream that I dont know. But in real life people dont like me they dont know me but they can just decide to hate me. I sinetimes dream of having sex but I will always be the one to first ask the person for sex.

 Once when I was younger and I could still sense things I fought with tokoloshe I bit him on the left arm and it was like biting into frozen meat. Few yrs ago there was tokoloshe in my shack I woke up he was in the room looking for something but it was like he didnt see me than he just jump on the cupbourd and changed to small baboon and went out by the roof.

 My mamazala always use to tell me someone is bewitching me and I would always tell myself it is her I must stay away from her then I always end up going back. 

I even stayed 7 yrs without someone after my husband died just spending all my time with mamazala and her family. Sometimes I dream i am picking up money than it is so sad in the morning I have nothing. I use to be born again now I cant even find myself to pray or go to church. 

I can think something now after few minutes I forget. Someone can tell me something then I just forget. I always hear voices of people talking. Or someone calling me. My life is just stuck and its also affecting my children. I cant consult cause I dont have money I cant even pray cause its like my spirit is crushed. My fathers father use to be traditional healer he is coloured.

 My mother use to be zulu she passed away when we were small so I dont know her I am only starting to get to know her family but I always dream of two zulu guys and they always use to tell me they have a gift for me. I use to have so much luck before I could go to the atm and draw R1000 than R2000 come out. 

Now its like im just here to suffer people are always laughing at me making fun of me. Others will argue with me for no reason. Mamazala has since died and the day she died I heard her call me times I even went outside to check cause it was strange cause she never came to my shack. 

The only thing that keep me going is knowing God is faithful and just. But iam 40yrs old 20 years of my life was waisted. I feel that I can still have a happy life. Please give me direction

Pardon me admin...can you please add.

I once went to church to get help with the tokoloshe and the Pastor was walking around prophesing to people he stop next to me and didnt notice me. After church I went to him and the church elderd.

The pastor started to shout me then he said he is not gonna come and remove someone elses rubbish then the thing will torment him. Then he told me just do it yourself. It was my first time at that church and I never went back