


 Please keep me anonymous 

Hey there guys, im a young lady

In her early 20s

I've been with my boyfriend for a while now, and he has a babymamma who has been giving me heat

I'm very mature and already made peace that she will forever be in our lives so I respect her and I make sure my boyfriend takes care of his child, that way we don't fight

I know she doesn't like me at all 

When my relationship with my bf was still new she would send me threats and saying stuff like "I'll show you who I am" 

Since I'm coloured, we don't actually believe in witchcraft 

We know it exists but never entertain the idea

After that message she sent me. My boyfriend started changing 

He started beating me every weekend 

He started becoming this person idk

Weird things would happen to me when I need to sleep at night 

It's either I get anxiety attacks or I get sleeping paralyzes 

I told my aunty about all of what's happening to me and we went to see a Pastor (Prophet) he said I should start fasting cause the enemy is busy 

I started praying allot and my relationship went back to being blissful 😊

😩I really thought everything was gonna be fine cause the baby mamma went silent mode until she sent me a huge paragraph insulting me again and she said this tym she will make sure I stay out of her way 

Two weeks later I became very sick 

I started getting heart problems was admitted got back home and then I fell sick again and went back to the hospital 😭💔my bf doesn't believe in witchcraft so he didn't believe me when I told him his baby mamma is behind all of this 

I got back from the hospital the second tym, After a week I asked my bf to accompany me to the doctor for a check up. I had pregnancy symptoms and abdominal movements so I thought maybe I'm preg

Just to get the shock of my life 

The doctor said she doesn't understand how a young girl my age can have hypertension, my blood is thick and my body is not getting enough oxygen 😭💔on top of that they said I have an ovarian cyst 😭 so it's not a baby it was the cyst growing 

😭💔I don't know what to do anymore 

Please help me 🙏