


 Please keep me anonymous.

I lost my daughter 5 months ago in a very weird way. She got sick and passed away after a week of being sick.  She woke up one-day and complained about a headache. She was only 7 years old so we gave her the green panado and forced her to sleep.

We were hoping that she would wake up better. In the middle of the night she woke up screaming saying her legs hurt. In the morning we took her to the clinic because she could no longer walk.

The nurses found nothing unusual with her. She was then sent home, the very same night she complained about her eyes. But we kept giving her medication from the clinic hoping she will get better.

A day before she passed away,she woke up in the middle of the night and started laughing loudly and scarily like and old woman. She then got out of bed and started running around like a headless chicken while laughing hysterically.

We were in shock and didn't know what to do because just before bed time she couldn't walk and she was very weak now suddenly she was very energetic. It was a very traumatic thing to witness.

We tried stopping her but she over powered us,she pushed us away like she was this little girl with the strength of a beast. After all the running around and laughing she then collapsed on the floor.

We were even scared to go near her but we had called the police for help. We believe she was possessed. The police came and declared her dead. That is how we lost our princess. We buried her but I somehow could still hear her voice during the preparations of her funeral we could even see her but we were scared to say it.

All this happened after her dad and I bought a house and a car. A few weeks before that I graduated and his business also blossomed. We didn't post this anywhere but we shared this with family and closest friends.

The day we buried our daughter we started hearing her voice laughing and calling our names in the middle of the night. One minute she's laughing and the next she's crying. When we woke up to follow her voice she would just run and dissaper.

This went on for over three months until we decided to consult. We were then told that she's not resting in peace. According to the Sangoma she was taken in by my husband's aunt and she is using her to block our progress.

Since her passing, things have really been going south for us. Nothing works out and we are also constantly fighting with everyone including at work. Our valuables goes missing in the house.

My husband was involved in a car accident,I can't concentrate at work because I hear my daughter shouting my name in my head. My husband also says that he saw her in the middle of the road and he couldn't stop as he was driving at a high speed so he swerved only for the car to roll.

My husband's aunt no longer even talks to us now for no reason. She didn't even attend the funeral. I am here writing to witches and wizards so that you can help me make my daughter's spirit rest for good please. I am out of options,my husband is still in hospital but recovering well from the accident.

The other day while I was cooking the stove almost burnt me as it just exploded burning down our entire kitchen. Luckily our neighbors were quick to respond and they managed to stop the fire before it could spread. We need help before we lose our lives please.