



i hired a malawian elderly woman to be my house help. She's been my children's second mother for over 8 years now.

But since she has worked for us i noticed strange behaviours from my children but because i was hardly home i ignored it. She joined my home After my previous nanny left and never came back.

My previous nanny left my house stealing so many stuff then blocked me everywhere. I hadn't even noticed that she stole from us until this elderly woman just approached me and made me aware.

She csme at a time that i was desperate for a replacement. The previous nanny just said she's coming back and never showed up on the dsy she was supposed to come back. 

When i tried calling her phones never went through to this day. I also found out that she gave me fake information about herself. 

Times of desperation will leave you dumb struck. When the new nanny approached me she told me that she's a seer and was sent to me by my ancestors to work for me.

Truth is she told me so many scary things happening in my home and some are things that happened in the past and thats what led me to believing that my ancestors sent her to look out for me.

When i think about it, since she joined my family my children grew apart from each other and also they distanced themselves from me.

They became a lot quiet, and prefered spending time alone in their rooms. My house used to be a very loud and busy house but all that changed when the elderly woman joined us. 

Another thing is i used to be very scared of her. She was not doing her duties well and i would get annoyed and tell myself that i want to confront her but the minute i would see her i would just keep quiet.

She used to sleep with the sink full of dishes and a dirty floor. The laundry basket was always full. She would  burn the food most times because she'd be focusing on watching tv.

Instead of me complaining i would just ignore it like it doesn't bother me but in her absence I'd be fuming. She was a stay in nanny who would leave every Friday and on fridays she'd leave immediately after i have left the house and the kids have left for school. She'd leave the house in a very messy state.

On mondays instead of coming back in the morning she would come in the afternoon and did i mention that she was a very moody person.

Today she wakes up very happy and the next day she would wake up very quiet and irritated. My kids feared her so much but somehow that flew right over me. I didn't see all the red flags.

In the room that she slept in there was always smoke coming out at night, when she would leave for the weekend the room was always locked and she would leave with the keys. Sometimes i would find black powders but i never suspected anything. 

I started having dreams about her, in the dreams she'd always tell me that i live with wealth in my house. Each time i asked where the wealth was she would point at my kids. The next morning she would avoid eye contact with everything she has...

I started having those dreams regularly. One night i had a dream that felt so real. I got out of bed and walked straight into her room. When i got there she had pictures of my kids plugged on her mirror each pic had blood stains on them and black feathers.

She had a black fire pot which had smoke coming out. She was wearing only a black panty and her face was painted with black. Her stomach was painted in white. She summoned me to release the kids spirits to her and she will give me a lot of money in exchange. I was so scared but i couldn't run nor scream. It was like i was hit by a magnet. When i looked back i saw my kids lying on her floor naked facing the roof. They looked lifeless. I ran towards them screaming but u couldn't hear myself scream. I tried touching all three of them but they dissapeared. When i tried running out she pushed me back and gave me a white cloth and a red pen. She told me to write three weird names that i can't rememeber to this day.

I wrote those names and the red ink turned into blood on the cloth. A couple of days later my children's transport was involved in a car accident and only my children didn't survive. 

I started consulting after my children's burial and the old woman left my house finaly. It turns out she was sent by my late fiancee's mom who has always accused me of being the one who killed her son.

I wasn't even allowed to attend my fiancee's funeral because i was accused of bewitching him.

She sent the old woman for revenge. The most painful part is that she's falsely accusing me and now my chidlren were dragged in the mess. I will never ever forgive her and i believe my children's spirits are tormenting her.