


 Hi Please keep me anonymous 

For many years I've been seeing very weird things happening at home. I live with my grandmother and many other people that i only see at night. The people don't talk and they behave like plugged robots.

I had to quit school because whenever i enter the school premises i would start hearing voices laughing out loud and telling me that I'm just wasting my time. This would be heard in my head and it made me really dizzy and I'd collapse most time so i quit school.

My grandmother was very happy the day i decided that school was not for me. She said so many things that did not make much sense to me. She said that i am spiritualy rich therefore i don't need the earthly wealth. 

My grandmother's yard is so big and she has trees covering the fence so that no one can see through our yard. She had animals that would only creep out at night. For instance I've once seen a snake cuddling with a rat. 

My grandmother also had this small roundavel hut. The hut was as small as a pit toilet size. The hut was always locked and everyone was forbidden from going near it or in it.

It was next to my bedroom window just outside. So most nights I'd hear it's door opening and when it opened I'd hear a loud drum playing. So one night i decided to look through the window and i saw my grandmother entering the hut naked. 

The loud drum began playing as usual. I tiptoed outside to go see what is it that happens in there. When i opened the door i was met by a very big poo. The poo was so big it could possibly have fitted in a 5kg bucket. 

The drum was playing loudly in there but i could not see it anywhere in there. Out of fear and shock i closed the door and ran back to the house and hid in my bed. A couple of hours later i heard the door open and curiosity pushed me to go look.

I peeped through the window and i saw my granny walking out and the drum stopped playing. The following day she called me in her room and said, you saw things that i was going to show you when you were older.

She told me to not be afraid because what i saw was my inheritance and my wealth. I was told that the drum is used to lead me back home and the poo too helps so that she can smell her way back home. She then told me to go back and never tell anyone what i saw or i would die.

She didn't even give me a chance to resound. It's been two years and we've never spoken about it. What stresses me now is that my grandmother is now very sick and I'm afraid that she might pass away anytime. 

My biggest fear is that if she does pass away will that mean i will have to take over her inheritance? I need help of protection please before anything happens to her i don't want to inherit her dark things.