


 Hi Please make me anonymous i would like to share my story to help other men wise up and also to atleast try to reach out to my baby mamas family for an apology. 

I am a guy who thought was clever not knowing i am a fool amongst fools. I scored myself a very beautiful, humble, respectful and independent woman. I had a child with her and i started being everywhere.

She used to work at ABSA as HR, making good money and i worked as an artisan. Our lives aligned well with our goals. Girls started noticing how well i was doing and they started challenging me and i gave in.

My woman was a chilled and laid back person who was more of an introvert. Her kind of fun when she was off was spring cleaning the house, doing grocery shopping and trying new recipes. When she When done she would then watch her favourite series with a glass of wine.

She was the kind of woman a man would grow and build with. She didn't have friends, her only friends were her family. I was a big idiot, the street life is nice when you don't know how fun it is.

I started being for the street and less and less for her. She complained but it all fell on deaf ears. Even the plan to marry her changed. My hand was in so many different cookies. She complained till she decided not to complain anymore.

Little did i know that i was setting a death trap for her. The women i was cheating with were for the streets and were on a mission to hunt down and keep any man who would be their provider. 

This kinda women are dangerous women they would stop at nothing to eliminate anything that stand between them and a provinding man. They went to sangomas and put a snake inside me. The snake wasn't to harm me but to harm the woman i loved.

They used the snake to feed off my woman everytime i got intimate with her. My woman, the mother of my daughter started getting sickly. I brought her dangerous sickness from outside while she was a home body. I went and hunted her death.

She got sicker and sicker everytime we got intimate, eventualy she got admitted at the hospital. She fought for her life until she passed on. On the day that she passed on a snake was found inside her underwear.

The snake was dead too. Doctors were confused because they could tell from the fluids on the snake that it was from inside the stomach. No wonder my baby mama complained a lot about a painful tummy. The snake was eating her up inside. 

Scans and sonars were done but the snake was never spotted. Because this was an unusual case we knew it required more than medical attention. We went ahead as a family to seek traditional help.

It was then revealed that my woman was kill€d by my side women. One of them inserted the snake inside me through intimacy and i transfered it to the love of my life. She succumbed to my cheating ways.

Her family didn't even allow me to attend her funeral but i did although i made sure not to be seen. My daughter is two years old and motherless because of my recklesness.

I find it hard to even look her in the eye. They want to take her away from me because they are filled with hatred and anger,understandably so. I begged them to rather co parent with me because my daughter is all i have.

The father told me that i took his only daughter from her and he wants me to feel the same pain. A part of me feels like handing over my daughter to them hoping to close the gap. But another part keeps reminding me that she is the only meaningful reminder of her late mother. 

And if i let her go then i might never ever see her again. I sometimes feel like ending my life but i would have let my baby mama down because her death wish was for me to raise our daughter. Maybe it's because she didn't know that i am the cause of her death. 

Do i let go of my daughter or do i raise her and give her maternal family time to forgive me?kind regards...Distraught dad.