


 Hello Admin. Please post anonymously

I'm a 35yr old lady from KZN. I live at home, I was brought up by my grandparents along with my two cousins (aunts sons) and my younger brother. So alot of my problems started after my mom passed away in 2012. Growing up I was told that I have a spiritual calling, but because I didn't understand my tribal spiritual ways, I avoided doing anything about it.

I used to have dream's of things that would happen in the future but I hardly told anyone until it was happening, at the time I didn't know the difference between a dream and a vision. 

Post 2012 after mom passed, she came to me in visions. I didn't like her presence, and she always denied being dead. This really had me worried so I shared the information with the family but nothing was done because financially things were tight. 2yrs went by then my grandmother passed, another 2yrs went by then my aunt passed finally a yr after my grandfather passed.

 We were left behind as grandchildren. Now Last year my daughter whose currently 16yrs old started getting sick at school last year, she would pass out or scream or have sharp pains in her abdomen and chest area, she was seeing things and people she didn't know. I then had to get help, we consulted and the sangoma said she has a calling as well, she went on to explain that the calling was initially meant for me, but since I didn't go through with it, the ancestors now want to work through her.

She advised that I do "igobongo" then when I'm done, also do it for my daughter. So because I wanted my daughter to get better, I did igobongo, mind you, at that stage in my life things were bad. I had no job, my phone broke, I was penniless, UIF application wasn't going well.

 The sangoma promised that the ancestors will make a way for me to "phothula". Okay, so I did everything according to book but nothing changed, instead things got a whole lot worse. "Umsamo" turned out asinawo, I was devastated and disappointed. I lost trust in getting any further help from her coz I felt she should have seen the issue of umsamo before saying I should do igobongo. 

Eventually I got a contract job in Dec 2022, but ended end of Jan(it was a disaster). Back to square one I prayed for answers. In March I got another job, also contract and it ended in May coz my employer couldn't afford to pay me anymore. Back to square one again! Then in July I got another job that I'm currently in, it's part time, I only work weekends and odd days so I'm not earning much, we're barely surviving. 

So over time what has come to my attention through visions and that of my daughter and a consultation coupled with advice from other gifted people is that: My mom and Aunt are not dead(bathwetsulwa).

The last vision I had of my mom, was her breaking free from ropes tied on her hands and feet, she climbed out the window and ran. I was in the room screaming at her to break free because she was sitting there just crying. 

When she did free herself and ran, people in the yard alerted the people in the house that my mom was running away, so this lady (I know her) runs into the room to check if it's true, but she couldn't see me standing there. I don't know where my mom ran to but nobody caught her or ran after her coz she had ran really far by that time.

But my aunt still keeps coming in hostile ways. We were told something was put in her grave and our yard. I fear whoever did this wants us to suffer then die. All of them got sick for a short time then died. I want to sort out this mess but I don't know where to start.

I pray alot but I'm not so good at fasting. But when I pray, things get better and make sense even thou we're still affected by this thing. Can anyone advise on where to start and if it's possible to do this by myself? I still have spiritual attacks coming left right and centre so this fight is hard coz money makes things move faster but the thing is I don't have money, just a ton of debt. God bless those who have profound and empathetic advice. 🙏🏾💗