



Please hide my I.D

Growing up as a kid I was always favored, yet I always experienced psychic attacks of all sorts, calling maybe?

Anyways now that I am grown I look back and reflect on life, I always have luck and never seemed to have to work hard to get things going way and highly protected to this very day, I was gifted in school in all that I do, but I somehow started losing interest and eventually dropping out, clearly somebody could have initiated that.

Anyways, regardless of that I still find a way to turn attacks into victory, since dropping out of school I became a self made salesman and did really good for myself, my peers highly respect me so does the rest of the those who know me. 

The thing is I became the blacksheep of the family because during those psychic attacks the enemy somehow penetrated my amour and turned me into a drunk, or maybe I chose that as a coping mechanism to deal with my parents marriage which was falling apart and they would argue most of the times.

And those actions took away most of my childhood as most of it was spent dealing with flashbacks of their drama, it took a psychological toll on my well being which put me in survival mode in my childhood already.

 Me and my dad always had a good relationship and he always forgave me trhough out the times I was mess, yet on the other hand my mom is an addicted to alcohol and it's like she got multiple personalities within her, in her drunken state she would often curse me out and tell me that should she leave this house.

 I would amount to nothing and all sorts of bad words, probably taking out her frustration on me. Many years later they divorced and I stayed with my mom, when I reached 24 I moved out and got a place I was renting because my me and my mom could no longer tolerate each other,

 before moving out I bought a bike and moved out. The thing is ever since I moved out I started having multiple accidents, about 12 and the last one was mindblowing because it happened while the bike is just parked at the front and im inside.. 

As I kept visiting home I started to sense that my family is starting act different and my elder brother is always passive aggresive and taking subliminal shots at me, so it went on and I would still visit, then my dad passed on and everything changed, I went for the funeral than came back, many things happened within the funeral.

One of which is that I caught my step mom planting muthi in the AMs, other than that she refused to part take in the traditional rituals that a widow has to adhere to to do a proper send off, other than that the word has always been that she pulled my dad out his marriage using muthi and married him to inherit his stuff which she still fights for to date.. 

After the funeral I came back and came to realize that I was drained and somehow slowed down, started missing meetings and eventually lost interest in most of the things I loved.. SO I ended up moving back home, after moving back home I came to realization that there is more to my mom alcohol problem than the eye can perceive, other than that.

I started to see that my family somehow finds joy in my shortcomings and there is some envy and jealousy, in the middle of the night while sleeping in the sitting room my mother would always come and stand there looking at me sleep, I knew because I was pretnding to be asleep, on one I asked why she always stands and look at me sleep and her reply was that she routinely checks for movements in the yard..

Somehow I just started to feel that there is more to my mother's drinking problems and family side than the eye can perceive, then oneday I paid my psychic family friend/uncle a visit and he somehow told me that my bike accidents are linked to my great grandfathers, grandfathers witchcraft practices on my mom side, and further said if I wanted answers I must visit a place where one of my great great grandfathers was chased away from because the village headman could not understand my grandfathers source of wealth.

So they assumed it's witchcraft then chased him away. I asked my mom about it and she seems to be hiding something, other than than that my spirit of discernment started to reveal things, I started to dream of my female cousin seducing me and trying to have sexual intercourse with me, and then dreamt of my mom trying to close or touch my third eye in a dream. 

Then started to dream of my late dad a lot, so now the thing is I have recovered and picked my pieces up, nut I seem to running in place, I don't keep the promises I make to myself and it's like my money is not really accumulating and I owe people, it's like there is a force keeping me stagnant.. I keep running from my work and not getting much done anymore.

I also sense that my mom tied me here as each time I say I want to move out she would seem intimdated just like the rest of the family, was supposed to launch my business yet my brother said to me we'll see if it'll launch. Other than that my step mom is making sure that through the muthi she using I never take her to court because each time I say I would I never do, it's been two years.

At this point I pretend to love this people but I feel the resentment in my being, it's like someone put isichito or whatever they call it, clients just making promises and not fulfilling, don't know where to consult because I am highly spiritually gifted and many psychic people I visit seem to be astonished by my aura and purity that I leave with compliments more than I do with solutions... 

Previously had a dream of consulting a healer I once was taken to when the nighties would launch attacks on me as an adolescent not sure if they are alive. Any advice?