



Hello witches and wizzards confession please make me anonymous 

I desperately need help. I am in my mid 20s and i am going through the most. I no longer date nor going anyway because of what happened to me about a year ago. 

I used to be someone who used her body to put food on the table. I lost both my parents at a very tender age so i was left with my grandmother, an older brother who never cared about us and a younger brother who was just 5 at the time of my parents passing.

My grandmother is old and fragile so she couldn't take care of us financialy so we had to find alternatives to help her. My older brother is just an addition of our problems. He drinks every cent he comes accross. He's such an alcoholic to an extend that he even steals food at the house to go sell them so that he can buy alcohol. 

I started dating older and married women from when i was in grade 10 in exchange for money. By the time i was in matric i was already dating very old and rich men.

I am a fine looking young woman with an image that potrays innocence and that's where older men pry the most.

My life changed completely when i met a 66 year old man who wanted me all to himself and to be honest he changed my life. 

He gave me so much money that i didn't even need other men for survival. He even bought me a polo vivo and extended our rdp.

He took very good care of me and my family. He used to give me a large sum of girlfriend allowance. I was not in need of anything.

But to my suprise he hardly ever had time to come see. All he ever asked for was pictures everyday. He wanted me to send him pictures of myself each and everyday which i didn't mind becaue he had bought me a very nice phone.

So time passed and after many months of me trying to get him to sleep with me because i have needs too he finally gave in.

The thing is i tried finding guys my age to sleep with me because he was avoiding that part but the guys wouldn't have an erection when it was time. 

So i had no choice but to pursue him till he gave him. I regret the day i slept with him. I felt like a virgin again, sleeping with him has ruined my life.

He wanted all lights off and i felt like something big was entering my body. Something big and alive. I could feel that thing moving inside me deep within.

Then he dissapeared on me. I fainted and when i woke up i was in a pool of blood. I woke up took a bath and got in my car and went back to my home. 

His phone has been off since that day...i can't get a hold of him and i am experiencing scary bodily changes. My thumbs started off by being painful after a week they became swollen and soon after that they started looking weird. My thumb now has a shape of a snake and i can't control it's movements because it's numb. It moves and twiches like a snake. Everywhere i go for consultations i am told that i have a snake living inside me and it's feeding off my blood.

The day i slept with that man, he started singing and clapping hands right before i passed out. I have every reason to believe that i was used as a sacrifice for money rituals.

Not only my thumb has changed but my vagina makes a sound like there is a monkey living inside it. I am uncomfortable showing the vagina but i will try and record the sound it makes.

If there's anyone who knows what kind of ritual this is please help me. My social life is dead and  i forgot to mention that i smell like a fish and no amount of cosmetics has been able to help. I now isolate myself because i am gossiped about.