



I am someone who used to be a q marshal at the taxi rank where i live. Being a Q marshal you get exposed to a lot of people on a daily basis. 

My girlfriend and the mother of my two sons worked for a grocery supermarket. We had been together for 10 years. We even lived together. 

But being a man i had a couple of side chicks which I'd just be with for entertainment but i loved my girlfriend so much. I was just being a man. 

Amongst my side chicks there was this one that was very very beautiful. She was a 10/10. She used to wear a black uniform which she said was a spa uniform. She worked at a spa.

She used to come to the taxi rank every morning at 4h30am and wait for a black condor to fetch her. She said it was a staff transport. It fetched her at the taxi rank every single day at 4h45 even on sundays. 

That girl was super beautiful, i have never seen beauty like hers. Soft spoken, down to earth and very shy. We had been dating for over 6months but i have never 1 to where she lives nor been to where she works. But i was fine with it because we used to book at a lodge when we wanted to spend quality time with each other.

Everything was fine between us and life was lovely. I even thought i had found my second wife material because that girl did not have a phone. For me that meant vultures don't have access to her. Even though she did not have a phone i never struggled to get a hold of her.

We would finalise our meet ups and hook ups in the morning while she waited for her staff transport. Then later on at night after work she would always show up at our agreed meet up spot.

Our relationship was very healthy and secrete. We would never been seen together during the day. Infact I have never seen her during the day.

Whenever i spent the night with her i would always have very weird and scary dreams. I would always dream of snakes that lives under water and my main girlfriend being stuck in the water and me trying to save her but drowning.

I would have bad sleep paralysis but i ignored them. Sleeping next to that girl made me fall into very weird sleep with nightmares but her beauty kept me going for more.

But since i dated this girl i realised that my girlfriend was no longer the same. She was always sickly and had a memory loss problem. It got so much that she had to quit her job and move back home. She was just attracting bad luck and i also no longer enjoyed her company. 

We would fight a lot and i was tired of her. I used to vent out to my beauty queen and she adviced me to bring my girlfriend's piece of cloth so she can bring a peace and lots of money amongst us.

This girl had a lot of money, i had never spent anything on her. She was the one always spending and paying for everything. That's why when she advised me to bring one of my girlfriend's clothing item and a coin i did not doubt that she will help me have a lot of money. 

She was always preaching the gospel and i didn't even for a second suspect that she could be a satanism. The biggest mistake i ever did was giving her my girl's clothing item.

A week after giving her the item and cloth my girlfriend got admitted at the hospital and she was unconscious. I didn't suspect anything until the very beautiful girl invited me to her house. 

For the first time since I've known her she invited me over.  We used her staff transport and to my suprise there was a coffin in the condor. I was confused, shocked and very scared but it was like i am in a dream. 

The kind of dream i used to get when i was sleeping with this girl. I couldn't scream nor run away. I sat next to the coffin and infront there was two men wearing red gowns.

Next to me there was another and the girl was sitting at the back with the coffin. No one was talking in the car. The truth is to this day i can assure you that the men in the car had hoodies over their heads and i did not see their faces at all.

The car did not even feel like it was moving but when we opened the door everyone got out and we were at a different location. We were next to a very big river that i have never seen before. They took the coffin out of the condor and they opened it...they forced me to look inside it and i saw my girlfriend laying in there. I tried screaming but my voice couldn't come out. They closed the coffin and there was a ready dug hole for the coffin. 

I watched them lower the coffin and even buried the coffin. It was total silent just the spade sounds. Once they were done burying the coffin with my girlfriend in it they wrote her full names and date of birth and date of death on a white board. They used red ink to write the information.

What still disturbs me is that i had never told the beauty queen any information about my baby mama but it was all correctly written.

They then all bowed down and started speaking in a language I've never seen before.  Soon after that the beauty queen took of all her clothes and walked into the big river. She wasn't swimming she was just walking until she dissapeared.

I was in so much shock that i did not understand what was happening or if it was a dream or real. Next thing i woke up to a lot of people surrounding me, ambulances and police were also there. I was then told that my car fell into the river and i almost drowned. 

I was taken to the hospital and i was told that i will be transfered to my province. I was found in a different province that I've never been to. I still can't explain how i got there, at a river nogal.

When i tried explaining to the nurses i was taken to a psychatric hospital. A couple of days later i was informed that my girlfriend had passed away and she was buried in my absence. 

I stayed at the psychatric hospital for a month. When i was discharged i went straight home. One Morning when i woke up i found a baby coffin made of boxes in my bathroom . I tried running out and the bathroom door locked itself. I opened the coffin and found a lot of money in it. There was a not on top of the money and it was written my girlfriend's names. 

For the first time after i heard about her passing i cried out loud. It was then that i knew i have sold my girlfriend's soul for money.

No one believes my story, when i tell them they believe i am psychatric case. I know what i saw, i know what happened and i know i am responsible for my girlfriend's passing.

I just wanted to share my story incase someone else has gone through the same and no one seems to believe them. I will never forgive myself and i can't even look at my sons in their eyes knowing that i am the reason they will never experience a mother's love.