


 Hi Admin please post for me anonymously

I recently saw the Page n liked it,so my story goes like this,I really hate witches n wish them bad as they destroyed my mom's life till she leaves us n now they after us , people who are family members some neighbors.

we even caught some red handed but didn't know what to do n they fighting more bcz of that ,I used to talk to everyone about submitting cvs ,so the other lady used to say u think u will get job ,I didn't take it serious till I see that it's all invain, prophets started telling me that they cursed me to even break up with my baby daddy ,

So now my the main cause I'm writing is because the other lady is so sick there at home home n she's telling ppl to tell me go see her 😳😳 for what I don't know, the same person who used to laugh when seeing me going to church n say (haaaaaa will see if o teng Jesu) Cau u go see her

My life is messed up because of those ppl ,I end up leaving home to joburg to work as helper but still they after me , one day I received unknown call telling me that ur job is finished 💔💔🙆🙆🙆yoo I checked my madam as I was off ,she replied back without saying anything about job n I told her that I will see u Sunday haibo to my surprise she said ok ,so who called me.

 asking my self now,I went back to work Sunday n things were sour my boss shouting for no reason 🥺🥺💔😳late I gave child bath the child cried loud that I hurt her 🙆🙆🙆yooo my bosses told me ur job is finished ur fired 💔💔💔 please be careful about private calls.

I loose jobs just like that all the time mind u I know I'm the hardworker even prophets tell me they nobody will see my efforts bcz of what dey did to me,I even want a healer that can help me 🙏🙏🙏

as I'm writing I'm job hunting with no luck, dreaming sleeping with ppl I don't know but can't have feelings when dating 😭yoo Life sucks , my son the reason I'm in need of job but the badluck 💔💔💔💔