



I come from a family tnat once had it all then lost it all. I grew up in a happy family, i had two older siblings. I was the third and i have one younger sibling.

So growing up i was very fortunate. I grew up with a man who played a father role very well. According to my older siblings the man met my mom whilst she was pregnant. I grew up thinking he was my biological dad until his passing. 

He took us to very good schools, bought us expensive clothes. We were the kids who had phones at a very age, not just any phones. Very expensive phones. 

The man excelled when it came to bring a provider. We were never in need. He took care of us not only financialy and emotionaly too.

My mom on the other hand was very quiet, shy and spoke very little. Before meeting the man i was told she used to work at the mall at a grocery shop.

Apparently that's where they met. My mom was a very beautiful woman. She was one of those women that had a good body with a good face. 

She looked like a model. It came as a shock that she attracted the man whilst pregnant.

But the man was a married man. So my mom basically stole him from another woman. The man left his wife and kids to come live with us. Three years later my younger sibling was born.

The guy was filthy rich, he had numerous businesses and they were doing very well. We lived at an estate that was known to be the Tycoon's palace. The estate had restaurants and schools inside them so we were never really exposed to the outside world much. I got a car at 21. Life was very rosey for us. 

Even though he was just my step dad, i have never felt the gap. He was a man who always thought ahead and was always a few steps ahead regarding the future.

He had weird traits too but we didn't really pay attention to them. He was someone you would always find up at night sitted at the kitchen counter with an empty cup infront of him.

He would just be there sitting, starring at whatever was infront of him. He would never reply to you even if you spoke to him. I was someone who was always slept very late or rather someone with insomnia issues from a very young age.

So most times I'd go to the kitchen after midnight because i am hungry or thirsty and that is when i would have such encounters with him. The fact that he would be sitted there and not moving nor blinking not sure about breathing scared me at first. I confronted him about it and he sold me an explanation i whole heartedly believed. 

He told me that he sees and hears me but he would be deep in his money thoughts getting ideas and ways to expand his business, he is scared that if he zones out then he will forget everything and that will mean losing a lot of money. He said he doesn't want distractions or disturbance when he's having that conversation with himself so we must not disturb him at all.

I found him in that aura so many times that each time i found him i would notice weird things but when i rubbed my eyes in shock to verify what i think i saw there would be nothing. As we all know that the imagination tends to toy with us at night, i convinced myself that maybe that may have been the case. I believed that my imagination was just toying with me.

I remember there was a night i saw him surrounded by a lot of smoke but no fire. When i rubbed my eyes and open again there would be nothing. By the way did i mention that he would be sitted there like a zombie with no lights on, he would be topless too with a pure white doek on his head. He called the doek "The money bringer". I've never seen it being washed and no one else was supposed to touch it".

According to my mom he used to even sleep in it but during the day you'd never ever see it. It's like it would just dissapear. But he once told my mom to never touch it even if she was to find it on the bed. 

Anyway lets go back a bit to another thing i believe i saw. I saw a very big human shadow sitting next to him in the kitchen. When i arrived the shadow got up and ran towards the fridge and dissapeared infront of the fridge. I remember i was in the kitchen for ice cream that night but i got very scared to even open the fridge so i just ran back to my room and buried myself under my blankets. 

The shadow incident wasn't my first encounter. The house always felt like there were shadows watching us. You'd always feel like you are just never alone. But we somehow ignored all that.

Eish while I'm talking about this it somehow feels like yesterday, I'm reliving the moment as if this just happened a few minutes ago. Can i please have some water?

Sorry about that, did i mention a spare room that was there but no one   dared to enter. Okay, so when we moved into that house we had a house tour.  My step dad showed us the whole house and we were even given the opportunity to choose our own bedrooms. We were all excited and happy that day. He showed us the whole house and we even ran door to door opening and closing doors. But we ignored that one room. We were just never interested in it.

Honestly i won't lie and say he told us never to go anywhere near that room or forbid us from entering. Nah, he has never spoken to us about that room and we have never had any interest at all. Which is weird but it is what it is. The room was ignored like it was not even there. 

Coming to think of it, during the day the door was always closed but at night it would be open a bit. Not sure if it would be cleaned by our house help or if she's ever been inside. It was like there was something deliberately making us behave as if the room was not part of the house. 

Anyway, my dad was a very private person so we didn't know much about his he runs his businesses and staff but we however knew that he was a genius in business because he was making a lot of money. He didn't have friends either so he was a home body. If he wasn't at his businesses then he would be home. 

He prioritised us a lot, we were spoiled rotten. So after a well he started getting sick. The sickness started slowly until eventualy it got worse.

He was then hospitalised, that's where he passed away...at a hospital. I'm sure you've read about his story in the newspaper. The nurses who were on duty the day he passed away claim that before he passed away he scremed very loud and when they arrived in his ward they saw a very big snake coming out of his body.

Out of fear they ran out of his ward to get help from the security and when they came back there was no snake or any sign of it ever being there. They just found him dead.

Test were done on his body and his death seems to be natural. There is no sign of any snake poison at all. The nurses couldn't even prove that the snake was indeed there. But according to what my mom shared with us before her passing, we believe the nurses.

My mom said that sometimes during intimacy my step dad would act like a snake. She would sometimes even see the snakes tongue in his mouth. When confronting him he would say she's imagining things. 

So after my dad's passing, my mom also passed away just a month later. She died in herself and it is believed that it was due to stress.

When my step dad died, his wife and kids came for everything of his. My mom and step dad were never married so the wife had the right to all his belongings. We were kicked out like dogs. None of the cars he bought for us were in our names so we lost everything. He didn't even leave anything for my mom so we believe he was just using her for his rituals.

The last born also turned out to not be his. DNA were done between my youngest sibling and the alleged father's siblings and the probability said 0 percent.

The wife demanded the results before sharing anything with her. We accepted the outcome and moved back into our grandmother's home at the township. My uncle's wife treated us really bad. My grandmother was no more so my uncle and his family lived there.

I couldn't help but stalk my step dad's kids on social media. Sometimes I'd even just go to town and pass by his businesses just to see how everything is going. But ofcourse i wasn't allowed to enter I'd just do it from a distance.

Just six months after his legal family took over, everything collapsed. His business premises were sold. Cars sold , houses sold yoh a lot was just happening. In a year's time everything he worked hard to build fell to the ground. 

Life was also not lifing for my siblings and i and that's when i decided i was gonna do something about it.

When we got chased out of the house with just our bags i had stolen one of my step father's business bags. I've always known that i would want to be exactly like him one day. There was this particular bag that he would always sit next to whenever he sat in the dark at the kitchen counter. What made me curious was how he always hid it. I found his hiding place and vouched that one day i was going to see what's inside it. The day i sneaked to look what's inside it i found it filled with bank notes. A loooot of money.

So the day he died i knew it now belonged to me. Seems like no one else knew about it. So i kept it all to myself and hid it aswell. I had been very hesitant about opening it because i think more than once I've had bad dreams about it.

With life getting harder and harder i eventualy had no choice but to open the bag. I manned up after a long time and opened it. To my surprise there was no money just a bunch of white papers and one had a note on it.

It read "i have hidden the money at the location written below". There was also an address there and two months later because life was really hard and my eldest sibling had become a junkie and i was scared we might all turn into junkies...i decided to the address i found on the paper to get the money so that we may escape the hard life.

It was really hard being from the top straight to the bottom. I made my way to the address instructed. I don't know why but i didn't tell anyone about the journey i was embarking on and it was clear it could be dangerous. 

When i arrived at the address it was the most bravest thing i ever had to do. There was a small house surrounded by graves. Outside the house was an old couple and to my suprise while approaching the old couple i saw my mom crying and shaking her head as if she's trying to tell me to walk away. I changed routes and decided to run to my mother for answers, i don't even know where i got the guts but i don't think i was thinking straight. I ran after my mom but ended up at the feet of the old couple. I don't know what then happened to my mom, it's like she just dissapeared. 

The couple spoke simultaneously, i found that very odd. It was like they were singing. They called me by name and said we have been expecting you, you just took long. I was confused. The old woman put a bowel full of water and they told me to look inside it. I was shocked to see my siblings at my grandmother's house. They told me that they have been watching me since the day i saw my dad with the big black bag. I was nervous,scared and shocked all at the same time. They said once you uncover some secrets then you secretly become part of the secret. Then i saw my step dad dirty and sitted under a tree eating watermelon.  They couple said we worked for him and now he is working for us.

They further said here is a tortoise for you, you've also been initiated and now we are going to work for you and when your time is up you will come and work for us. I was confused but it was rather quiet clear what was happening here. We've heard so many stories about money sacrifices and honestly I've never really believed them but at this point i regretted ever doubting the stories but most of all i regretted ever snooping around my step father's business. 

With the tortoise i was told to leave it inside a river and the day it finds me I'll be left with one year to live. Then i was told to have a wife and a side chick. I must take care of both of them very well and the snake that's already living inside me will choose which one to marry for itself. The one the snake chooses will be sleeping with the snake through me everytime and when i die she will follow as she is also a part of the sacrifice. It now made sense why my mother died after my step dad and her theory about seeing my step dad as a snake made more sense, my step dad never married my mom because obviously she was married to the snake. He even had to live with her so that the snake can have access to her whenever it wanted. I felt my self fuming, i wanted to kill my step dad so he dies for the second time. What he did to my mother was cruel and it made me very angry. But i snapped out of it because i was now also exactly like him. 

Back to the rituals. Well i was told that if i wanted to kill the tortoise so that it may never find me i must never sleep at night . I should avoid laying down at night. I was told that when i sleep at night the tortoise moves faster and therefor will locate me quicker. But by sitting or standing all night then the tortoise is not moving at all and that gives me more life. The couple took me to the river where i was told to release the tortoise and leave. I was to leave and take the bag with me and enjoy my wealth. 

When i arrived home i was too tired so i slept. I actualy slept for one week straight up without waking up. My siblings said they were worried sick they were even thinking of taking me to the clinic.

The first thing i did when i woke up was check the bag because i kept dreaming of it repeatedly.    When i checked it was filled with so much money. But i wasn't really excited because the price that came with that money was heavy.

So days passed and life was getting harder. I ended up using the money and that's where everything went South. I became heartless and went against everything i stood for. I had told myself that i would never have any woman in my life because i don't want to put anyone through what my mother went through. But i started urinating blood and it was just crazy how i would have dreams being intimate then wake up with a very sore manhood.

All the pain and trauma stopped when i got my self two women. So whether you want or not disobeying the rules will make you suffer at the end. I no longer sleep , i stay up alp night even when i don't want to. I've tried sleeping so that i can speed up the tortoise to find me and i die without hurting many innocent souls. 

My siblings are at a better state and enjoying the money but i on the other hand am struggling badly.  I don't want any part of this at all. I've really had enough and i need help. I don't know how i can be saved but i am pretty sure someone watching this might know how to help me please come forward and save me and the people I've involved please. I have the money so i am ready to pay whatever is charged.