


When i was in varsity many years ago i used to date only Nigerians and Ghanaians. I am South African so my first preference was dating foreigners. The reason for that was because they obviously had more money and gave a huge girlfriend allowance. 

I came from a very poor family so i needed a rich boyfriend to help me through varsity. The pressure to look cool is high in varsity. You meet people from all walks of life with different family backgrounds.

I wanted the latest hair do's and the latest fashion trends not forgetting the latest cellphones. My parents couldn't afford all that so i had to sleep my way to get them. My life completely changed when i met a very rich Nigerian man.

I never did any background check on the men i dated because obviously I was just tnere for their money and they were there for thick yellow thighs and that's that. This particular man i dated was married but i didn't know until he fell ill.

He fell ill and i went to see him in hospital and that's where i met his wife. The woman was calm yet very furious. She insulted me in the most calmest and softest voice. I didn't even know what to say i just walked away embarassed 

That very same night the man passed away. The wife called me using his phone. She then said she just called to inform me that our man passed. She commanded me to help her bury him since he was both our men.

That woman hated me, you could tell from her voice. Fine i started ignoring her calls and texts and it was getting too much and a bit creepy so i blocked his number on my phone. It was a month before my graduations.

On my graduation day she sbowed up at school. I have never in my life been that scared. She yelled my name in excited and hugged me so tight and whispered in my ear. We sbared him when he was alive but i had to bury him alone.

For that i want you to know that I've found your underwears in his apartment and I've tied your womb to him forever. Every child you give birth to will look, sound and behave exactly like him.

She sealed the hug with a very painful pinch. It was at that moment that i knew that she was truly a witch. She let go of me and walked away with a smile as if we were friends. Sadly i couldn't tell my parents what was going on. 

A couple of years later i met my now husband and we got married. Life was great, we were both doing very well career wise and financialy. He is a South African man. I no longer needed financial help so i married the man of my dreams.

He knew about my history with foreign men because we wanted to start at a very clean slate. Two years into our marriage i fell pregnant and he was extremely excited. I later gave birth to a baby who looks exactly like my late ex.

My husband moved out when our son was 2 years old. He said the baby looks nothing like him but looks foreign meaning I've never let go of my past. I've been asking him to do DNA but he refused saying i just want to embarass him.

I am broken and beyond hurt. I confronted the wife and all she said was that it was time i suffered like she did. Witchcraft is very real guys i am being tried and tested.