


 I sacrificed my family for money rituals| my money ritual tree from Zimbabwe .

So my family is a struggling family or should I rather say was a struggling family. There was no one in the family who was educated nor was there anyone who was doing well in life especially financially.

We believed so much and tradition meaning we believe so much and culture and things such as sangomas and so forth.

You see even if we struggled a lot financially but we were never short of money to go to sangomas. the reason for that is growing up because we consulted a lot we were convinced that we were being witched. The truth of the matter is that someone must will say anything to keep you money they will never say they don't know what is wrong with you when you go to consult so my family and I would consult like that and they will tell us that we are being Bewitched by so-and-so and we would be paying to get help so that we get healed or maybe pay revenge such things but nothing has ever happened.

whenever we had a chance to have money instead of spending it on improving our lives we would spend it on Consulting. I feel like consulting with sangomas can be very addictive. You become an addict it's very addictive you just become an addict whenever you have money instead of improving your life you run to consult. You will even have a monthly budget of consulting.  

And sadly that is the reality of many people, of course they are not comfortable to admit it but I know many of us go through that. we become slaves to Consulting we work or have a little money so that we can consult. So with time moving on like that and our lives are not improving instead everything is just getting worser and worser we were  becoming poorer and poorer that is when I decided to consult at a sangoma in Zimbabwe. I was directed to him by a man that I used to do gardening with.

I used to work in landscaping at a white dominated surburb. It wasn't my company, i was just an employee and many of my colleagues were Zimbabwean and Malawian nationals. 

There was this Zimbabwean colleague of mine who always had money. We didn't earn much and most of us would get broke right after getting paid. So we would even borrow money from that particular colleague.

You'd swear he was earning more than us. Infact we used to suspect that until he showed us that we get the very same salary. 

He even had a car, he was renting in a stable and decent flat. By the way i am originally from Giyane but worked in Johannesburg. 

So he lived in a flat while we lived in shacks at honeydew. Truly speaking that guy doing so well that we all wanted to do well like him. We all dreamt of being exactly like him but we didn't know how ,so the least we could do was to be very close to him. we were hoping to learn a thing or two from his Tactics of how to handle money. 

I remember there was a time when i went to conduct i told the sangoma about the guy. The sangoma told me that the guy was using WITCHCRAFT to steal our luck and minds at work so that he could stay above us. He further said that we were struggling because he made us not know what we are using our money for. So in actual fact we drank up our money and used it for useless things like buying prostitutes and beer so that his money multiplies. 

Eh i got very angry and i started hating that guy. I told the sangoma that i wanted to reverse the curse back to the guy. Mind you it didn't even bother me that the sangoma didn't reveal the guy to me first, he waited for me to tell him about the guy first then he started feeding me lies.

And honestly I've been to so many sangomas in my life and it sadly took me years to realise that that's what they do to us. They wait for us to give them a clue and they make up their own theory  based on what we tell them. Not all of them but 95% of those that i consulted in my life but asikho lapho.

Anyway mjita told me to bring him any clothing item or accesory of the guy at work or his footprint.

I was so angry that i didn't think twice. It wasn't going to be easy to get his clothing item so i focused on his footprint. I had to work very closely to him so that i can trac his moves and get the footprint. Took me about a month to get. I was so excited when i got it, i was ready to avenge myself so i took it to the sangoma. 

My troubles began. I started developing a rash on my hand. My hand stopped functioning as days went. As if that's not enough then i started getting burning sensations on my hand. It became a daily thing and i consulted and wasted so much money at that.

After a while my right foot also started acting up. I became very sickly and i sometimes would struggle to sleep at night.

It became so much that eventualy my bosses noticed that i wasn't productive at work anymore. He told me to stay home and recover then i will go back to work when i have recovered. That's basicaly how we get fired  from work. We are told to rest and recover then within a day we get replaced and that's it.

One day the guy from work visited me at my place. When he got there he looked so down and exhausted. He said he was there to check up on me. He then gave me 2L coke bottle that had something that looked like tea inside. He said to me, i know what you did and everything that you are going through is a punishment from the darkness.

I worship a very powerful dark goddess and you mess with me you mess with him. He was saying all this while looking down and speaking very calmly and slow. Then he said look whatever you were told was a lie and that is why my goddess decided to forgive you and he has sent me to heal you and give you a message. 

Drink this mixture everyday before you sleep for 6 days. You'll feel a lot better and on the 7th day we shall come for you. I was so embarassed and i tried apologising and he just stood up and left while i was still trying to reach out to him. 

He was here but it felt like he wasn't really here, it was like his body was here but his brain was absent. He was like those zombies that we see on T.V. since he got to my place he has never looked me in the eye, the whole time his face was just facing down until he left. He spoke but i doubt he even heard anything i said because he had no emotions or reaction to anything that i said.

As soon as he left i felt worse and i could feel very funny sounds in my head. It was like someone was screaming in my head. I drank a cup of the concoction as told and i slept. When i woke up the next day i woke up feeling so much better.

The taste was bitter and it had a very foul smell so i decided to not drink more on the second day. Yoh i woke up in the middle of the night with a burning sensation all over my body and it felt like i had ants crawling on my head. I quickly drank the concoction and the feelings dissapeared in a heart beat. From there on i knew that i had to drink the mixture until the 6th day. Indeed i drank till the sixth day and on the 7th day i remember it was a Saturday morning. 

I found my ex colleague sitting outside my shack with his car parked outside the yard. I am calling him my ex colleague because i truth getting my job back when i came back from Zimbabwe and the bosses told me they will let me know when the need me and they never called me since. 

Anyway...i asked him why he was at my door so early in the morning. He seemed in a better mood and he greeted me. This time he was looking me in the eye, he was bubbly. He was his usual self.

He said come my friend, I'm taking you to a man who will end all your financial problems only if you are willing, he won me over when he said " you'll live a life as good as mine". I was like yes man I'm in and i told him i was going to have a quick wash then we may leave. He told me not to bath. You need to be in your natural scent he said.

Got excited as a child in a toy shop and ran to his car and waited for him to unlock so i hopped in. He was laughing at me and amazed at how much I'm excited to be just like him. We drove and i realised we driving to Limpopo and i was rather shocked to know that a guy from KZN got his wealth in my home province and i didn't even know that we have such.

I was now quiet and focusing on the road. Closer and closer to home we kept going. We drove to routes i never knew existed in Limpopo.   Not even sure how to explain it. But i teased him about getting his money in my home town yet we who are from the province are struggling in poverty.  He laughed and said "we going to my home country now, just grew up in KZN but my DNA is Zimbabwean. I opened my eyes with shock because that meant we are going to zimbabwe and i didn't even have a passport. 

I told him that i didn't even have a passport and he said relax, you don't need one. Just do as i tell you and you will be fine. We then drove and he left his car at some house that looks abandoned and we started walking. We walked for 4 to 5 hours and this was in the bushes, there were no houses nor anything. It was like we are hunters hunting in the mountains. I didn't ask much just focused.

Finaly we saw a shack and as we got closer i realised it was a shop. I knew we were in Zimbabwe when i heard shona. He then took out Zimbabwean money and bought two cold drinks. I still remember the drinks, it's called Mazoe not sure how it's pronounced but i have never seen it before.   I was very thirsty so i drank it all in just one gulp. The way i was thirsty and tired i would've drank anything without asking questions. 

So we then sat down and a car stopped by. He told me that is out ride to our final destination. No one knew where i went to so if anything had happened to me no one would've ever known what had happened to me. 

We got into the car and listened to the driver and my ex colleague having a chat but i understood nothing because they spoke Shona. So if they planning my death I'd have just been there sitting with them and smiling without understanding a single thing.

We drove for about two hours and we arrived at the place. It was a nice big mansion and i was shocked that they have big houses in Zimbabwe. 

We got of and i was welcome very warmly. We were then given food and after eating a half naked woman came to tell us that we should follow her as the matter is ready for us. We got up and follower her. 

Two men who were dresser in what looked like massai traditional dresses escorted us. One walker infront and the other at our back. We walked in a straight line shortly so. None of us had shoes on.

We walked for about 30 minutes and we arrived at a house that's made of what looks like brown clay. There were more half naked woman painted with a red polish and men dressed in massai dresses.

I saw the strangest thing there, I'll never forget. We sat under a very big tree next to the clay house and i heard birds singing on the tree. When i looked up there were no birds just ants. Stranger big ants. My ex colleague saw that i was confused and he said it's just ants that sounds like birds relax. 

I kept quiet and out of fear i kept on disallowing my spit. I was in utter shock. A few minutes later the clay house door opened up and my colleague said it's our turn. 

We went in and the door closed. Then he introduced himself then introduced me. Soon as he was done then a very short old man walked out from nowhere, it was like magic happened and he appeared. He sat down on a very big snake and welcomed us.

Soon after that he started telling me their rules and also how there's no more turning back or all hell will break lose.

Then my colleague made an oath that he brought someone who can be trusted not someone who will destroy the dark kingdom. I was just there quiet the whole time.

Part of the rules included that there will be blood for wealth. Honestly i was told everything and i wasn't forced into anything.

I think i just let the thought of being wealthy make me make bad choices.

After the talk it was time for initiation. Part of the initiation was to write down a list of all my family names and relatives. The names had   to be 6 pages long. When i was done i pinned the pages on a tree outside and i was told after pinning it there i must take one branch from the tree and leave with it. When i cut off the branch it bled and i was in shock. 

The initiation must have taken about 6 hours. The place had lucky numbers and it was 666. Now it was time to go back to Johannesburg, i spent no cent for the trip or even the initiation. Before leaving i had to cut of a piece of my hair from the middle part of the head and also cut my arm with a razor and make sure the piece of hair is covered in that blood. Then i took the hair into the clay house and left. 

Then back to Johannesburg we went. Upon arriving i felt as though my own shadow was heavy on me. I had to pack my bags and go back to Giyane to plant the branch. The branch needed a permanent place and i needed to make sure it grows and blossoms. 

The happy and healthy the tree looked the more I'd have money. Within a week the tree started growing. It grew abnormally fast. I was told that when it's not looking good then it needs blood then it will be fine again and my pockets will never run dry. I think that's where i misunderstood. I thought it just needed me to cut my arm and smear the blood on the tree and all was well. Little did i know that it meant i lose a family member. 

The first person to pass on was my mom. Every 6 months i started losing a family member. Everytime sometime would die the tree would look like it's dying then when i lose a family member it comes back to life again.

Obviously because now i started having money i had to find a believable story as to why i have the money. So i made up a story and told them my bosses were from America and they had to move back to America so they left me with all the money they had here in South Africa. 

The death kept happening every six months and it was taking everyone on the list as in the order that i had written them. This pains a lot because i started with people i loved the most and ended with those i despite.

Right now i know people are already talking and suspecting that ngithwele but obviously they won't face me. They say it behind my back and only those who are sucking up to me tell me because they like the benefits. 

I am honestly tired and each time a family member dies i bury them with the money and give them a very expensive and dignified funeral.

But i feel like when they die i carry them on my shoulders. I always feel so heavy and tired and i also feel like i have so many shadows following me everywhere. I am even suicidal because honestly this is not life.