


 Rich men are taking shortcuts to staying rich and relevant. These men date very young women and most of these rich men are happily married. 

They protect their wives and kids with everything they have. Their wives also seems to know what's happening because they always know about their husband's affairs but they act like it's not a big deal.

The other day i saw this video of a young lady crying and spreading her legs out like she's in labour. At first she was sitted fine, looking fine in her mini dress. Next thing she started screaming and threw herself on the floor.

She started pushing and people thought she was pregnant until they saw her flat stomach. She pushed kept on pushing with her private part exposed.  Those who know her say that she dates very rich and old men who are believed to be ritualists. 

She pushed until a snake the size of a newborn baby came out and the snake had a paper money note on stuck on it and that's what made everyone believe that she was used as money ritual by one of her BLESSERS.

How do women protect themselves from such misfortunes and evil acts? They have been warned over and over again but it keeps falling on deaf ears. Watch the girl and don't ever think it will never happen to you or your loved ones.