



My confession is very sensitive but desperation to fit into the definition of our broken society's standards of wealth led me there.

I grew up fairly well. My parents made sure we had everything we needed. They lived within their means and did not succumb to any pressure.

My dad was a bus driver and my mom was a cleaner at our local hospital. Obviously they did not have dream jobs but we got by perfectly well.

They were both well disciplined when coming to money so they literally had a budget which they stuck to. We never used to wear branded clothes or shoes except on Christmas and new years day and there after those clothes would only be for extremely special occasions only.

When coming to food certain foods were reserved for certain days.  For instance chicken and rice were strictly for Sundays only unless we had guests.

We used to drink fizzy drinks only on Sundays too but we have never went to bed with an empty stomach that I can assure you. 

But even with that we were treated poorly by kids from better off families. We were subjected to bullying for wearing none branded clothes and so on. But we've never told our parents because we knew that we would never get what we wanted.

As we grew older obviously my parents managed to save money to further our studies for each of us. Did I mention that we lived in a small house which only had two bedrooms meaning my two siblings and I had to share the other room? We were mocked for that too because my brother and I had to share a bed with our little sister.

Hayi truth is we went through a lot as children,not at home but in the streets. We were looked down at and bullied by other kids but we survived.

We were doing well at school and after matric I went to the university. The University I went to wasn't too far from home so at first I didn't get the opportunity to live at res. I traveled from home because my parents couldn't afford rent, food and what nots if I were to live at the University.

First year went very well and I managed to pass all my modules. In my second year I was struggling a bit so there was this extremely quiet and shy girl who was doing exceptionally well in my class.

I knew that I had to get closer to her but I didn't know how because she was not approachable. It took me a few weeks to finally approach her. There was something heavy about her presence which made it extremely hard for anyone to talk to her.

Anyway when I approached her I wasn't looking for a romantic relationship,I was just looking for a study buddy of which she agreed to. That girl had zero friends which was very weird because she lived at RES.   But I just took it she is an extreme introvert so maybe that's why.

Study buddy ended up into a romantic relationship. I even learned that she wasn't South African but that ofcourse wasn't a problem at all for me.

But that girl was extremely weird. When our relationship started getting serious I'd even do sleepovers at her room. I'd tell my parents that I have a male friend at school that I'll be studying with and sometimes sleep at his room.

I had never lied to my parents before so they believed me. My girlfriend was weird and the things that were happening in her room were also weird but I kept on normalising them. For instance sometimes we would go to class without making the bed not cooking but when we were done attending we would find her be made,room cleaned and food cooked.

She would always have answers making me believe I have amnesia. She would say we left the room like that I might have forgotten or that maybe I have amnesia. She would jokingly brush it off and I fell for it.

There were nights that while we are sleeping I'd hear her talking to someone who sounded like and old lady. When I open my eyes there was no one and when I look at her she would look different as If she has aged already. But she would be sleeping peacefully.

There were just so many things happening that would have sent any man running but I wasn't running I loved her that much. I saw no future without her.

We graduated on record time. But even so I wasn't completely happy with how we passed. Whenever there exams she used to give me one of our bright classmates book and told me to do very weird things and I'd suddenly feel very sleepy and woke up the next day.

She would tell me to write my name in the book that belonged to another student using a charcoal and then burn a black candle then start calling the student's names and say "wherever you are, know that you are studying for me not for yourself your success is my success". 

She would also do the same using another classmate's book and the next day we would go to the exam room without studying.

When we got there after settling to write I'd feel faint and dizzy and the room would suddenly turn black and I'd see a monkey sitting next to the person I had cursed and when it was almost time to finish writing I'd suddenly see the monkey winking at me. Then from there I don't know what happened but when it was time up I'd find my exam fully written and the weird thing would be that it was my handwriting.

That is basicaly how I graduated. I was so obsessed with the girl that nothing she did was ever wrong in my eyes. After graduating I was so scared of never seeing her again that I ended up proposing.

I married her as soon as I got a job. When I started working I was clueless about a lot of things, I had cheated my way to graduating so now I was feeling the wrath of it. 

When I told my woman about this she asked me to tell her my boss's names and our workplace's top achiever. She asked me to bring something that belongs to the top achiever. I couldn't get anything so she gave me Muti to use at the workplace's kitchen. I had to pour the Muti in the sugar basin at work calling her name so that it may only work on her.

Indeed a couple of days later I started improving at work and the top achiever was a mess. Within a couple of months I took over. With everything going so well I ended up marrying my fiance. My mom did not like her from day 1 and because of that my woman told me to cut ties with my family after I married her and I did.

I started experiencing the real her without any sugar coat after marrying her. I think the day I married her was the day I officially joined the dark world.

A week after our wedding she asked me to go with her to a place where our marriage will be blessed and confirmed by her other side of the family.

One thing about her was that her word was final. I would never question even her weirdest plans or suggestions. It was as if I was her puppet and she was my master. What she said went just like that no questions asked.

Then the following week we went to her other side of her family. We drove to a big river, we had two chickens. When we got there she gave me one chicken and took one. She asked that we undress and walk into the river. She told me not to be scared,not to talk and just do everything that she's doing.

We walked into the river and she used her teeth to cut off the chicken's head then smeared her head and face with the blood and threw it into the river.

She then looked at me and nodded meaning it's my turn. I did the same although I struggled a bit with cutting off the head with my teeth but eventualy I did it.

I smeared my head and face then threw it in the water too.  Then she came closer to me and held my hands then started leaking the blood off my face and I did the same to her. Suddenly it got very cold and windy. Before I knew it there was a big snake swimming around us in a  circle. Then we got out of the water then she said our marriage has been blessed and we are now one. 

It didn't sit well with me but I wasn't going to ask any questions. From that day on she asked me to start cheating on her and it must only be with intelligent and successful women or I'll die a painful death if I cheat with a nobody.

I am sure I am the very first man to ever be forced by their wife to cheat. I started hunting for young successful ladies. We had an old woman leading our lives. My wife and I had a third person in our bed and it was the old lady. She was the one telling us how to live our lives and what's expected of us.

Whenever I would find a young successful lady then I had to book somewhere and the old lady always showed up no matter the distance. I'd never tell them where I am booking but she would always find us.

As soon as the young lady fell asleep then the old lady would perform a ritual on her while I watched. She would insert her fingers in her private part and use the liquid from the lady's private part to feed her cat. The cat would also lick the passed out young lady's private part then they would dissaper.

The next day the young lady would wake up as normal and not even notice anything weird happening but after a few weeks her misfortunes would then begin. She would have bad luck following her everywhere and most of all she would have a spiritual husband of which I call a tikoloshi. Spiritual husband is sugar coated.

All the young ladies luck falls on my wife. We had so much money that we honestly never worked hard for. I recently learned that we will never have kids of our own as that is what we have used as our own sacrifice for the life that we have chosen.

I no longer have a good life,I no longer bring young ladies because I can't stand what's been happening it's wrong and I'd rather remain poor. I have now moved back home but my problem is one. My manhood is getting bigger and bigger and it is very much painful. I sometimes can't even walk and I haven't urinated in almost a month now. I need help.