



So I am a struggling father of  6 children. My first baby mama left me because I couldn’t provide for her and my child. She left with my kid and never allowed me near my child because I couldn’t maintain the child. I watched my child being fathered by another man and I watched my child writing me off in her life.

I tried many times getting a job and also selling veggies but my business always collapsed.

With a heavy heart I gave up on life and love. I just wasn’t brave enough to end my life but I prayed a lot for death to be upon me.

Until I met my second baby mama. She loved and accepted me even though I had nothing to bring to the table. She was a single mother of one girl child and it felt as if God was maybe trying to close the void my daughter left in my heart.

I had to let go of my daughter because her mom had turned her against me. She would just pass me in the streets like I’m a stranger. When I would greet her back she always swore at me. She was just a child so clearly she was channeled on how to behave towards me. An 8 year old child can’t behave the way that my daughter did on her own.

My step daughter was the total opposite of my daughter and they were the same age. She spoke about how when she grows up she will buy me and her mom a big house and a nice car. She adored me and I adored her more.

She had never met her dad because he died on the same day that she was born. But according to her mom he had denied the pregnancy way before he passed.

I worked piece jobs so that I could help at home because the load was too heavy for my wife. Oh yes,I managed to pay lobola for her with the jobs I’d get every now and then. She worked as a cleaner at a supermarket. Whenever the supermarket needed a handy man she always called me to hurry because I was good with my hands. I always impressed her bosses. It was just unfortunate that they did not have permanent vacancies.

I also found out that my bad luck was due to my first baby mama, she cursed my life. My wife and I got blessed with four children in the years that we’ve been together.

Not being able to provide for my family was really a pain in my heart. I had to do something, I ended up polishing shoes in town.

One day a man with very shiny shoes asked me to polish his very shiney shoes. As shiney as they were i polished them because I needed the money and turning away a client wasn’t an option.

I only charged R10 per pair but the man paid me R100. I’ve never in my life been that happy. I couldn’t even thank him enough. He didn’t even say a word to me he just walked away.

That evening I was able to braai chicken feet, bread and coldrink for my family. I felt like the man. Finally I was able to walk home with a plastic bag in my hand in the middle of the month. That man gave me hope.

The next day I prayed for a client like him but nothing happened. On the third day the man showed up again and you should’ve seen the excitement on my face when I saw him. As usual he gave me another R100. On my way home I bought gizzards and chicken knecks and a packet of simba chips.

No feeling beats the feeling of getting home and your kids running to you and you actually have something for them. 

The man came twice a week and that made me insanely happy. He had been coming for two months now and still I’ve never heard his voice. He literally never said a word to me and i started suspecting that maybe he is deaf and mute so I started using made up sign language but he ignored me.

My home was warmer now and I loved being able to provide even if it wasn’t enough but it was something. One day the man came with a 10Kg of maize meal and he gave me the maize meal and still paid me the R100. 

For the first time in my life that day I was able to afford KFC without feeling guilty. I made enough so why not spoil my family’s.

I called my wife asked her to only cook pap and I’ll bring meat. I could tell in her voice that she was very happy.

We had dinner full of love and laughter that night. The happiness on my children’s face when they saw the chicken. They started telling me how they would only see it on tv or at the garbage site they would see the empty boxes. I knew I had won father of the year award seeing their tiny happy faces.

My wife was also gaining weight now. One day the man brought me a 5KG frozen chicken pieces. I was eternally grateful for that man. It felt like he was heavenly sent and because of him I had gained confidence as a man and my dignity was restored.

That braai pack was very heavy and somehow as soon as he handed it to me I started feeling tired and eager to go home. I just took his R100 note and packed my things into my back pack and took the frozen chicken pack and went home.

When I got home I gave my wife the R210  I had made on that day including the R100 from the mystery man.

I was so tired that i went to bed right away. My wife brought me food in bed but I had no appetite. The next day I woke up sickly and I couldn’t go to work. I was left at home with my youngest child who was 3 years old at the time.

I was sick so i could barely monitor my child in the house, she was playing and making noise so i could tell by that where she was and if she's okay. 

Suddenly it was totally quiet in the house. I got worried and called her name out a couple of times and there was no response.

I forced myself to get out of bed and walked to the kitchen where i found her sitting on the floor with the fridge widen open.  She had the 5kg frozen pack in her hand but it was empty. 

She sat there like a statue, there was a very big snake lying next to her. Her head was resting on the snake. I tried shouting but my voice wouldn't come out. 

I tried getting closer to her but i couldn't move. She turned around like a robot and looked at me. She had blood red eyes and her nose, mouth and ears were bleeding. 

Then she stood up and collapsed. I tried screaming but my voice was gone.  I watched the snake get back into the chicken pack and something pushed me to take the chicken pack and place it on my child's head. It was an abnormally heavy pack. 

Then i must have fainted because i was woken up by my children and wives screaming. I was back in bed but didn't understand how. 

An ambulance was called and my child was declared dead on the spot. To this day the assumptions are that the  heavy frozen chicken fell on her head causing injuries to the head hence the bleeding. 

The shiny shoes man showed up at my house a day after the incident and gave me R50 000 to bury my child with dignity. I was so grateful that i knelt down and kissed his shoes. 

I stupidly didn't wonder how he knew my home. That went right past me. 

A month later i went back to work. Another thing is the minute i was woken up by my family screaming i woke up completely healed. It was like i was never sick.

Going back to work the shiny shoe man didn't show up for like 12 months. When he showed up he came with another 5kg frozen chicken pieces. We don't even know what happened to the one that murdered my child. But we think it was cooked during the funeral preparations. But we don't know Forsure. Or maybe the police took it in as a death weapon. No one ever asked about it.

We had been starting for a while at home so i was super grateful for the chicken. He also gave me a R200 note this time. I went and bought maize meal and off i went home. 

The next day i couldn't get out of bed. I was suddenly very sick and my body felt very heavy. I decided to stay in. My 7 year old also woke up crying complaining about a headache. So he stayed home with me. While i was sleeping i had a loud bang coming from the kitchen and a quick 30second scream.  I ran to the kitchen and the fridge had fallen on my son and the 5Kg frozen chicken pack was on the fridge that was on top of my son.

Once again i was helpless and couldn't even scream yet again. I saw the snake again. Next thing i woke up at the hospital and i was told that the fridge also fell on me while i was trying to save my son. 

The shiny shoe man showed up at the hospital and gave me R100 000 in cash. I immediately knew that something was very off with him. I refused to take the money and he became very angry and i took it.

After my second child's funeral i quit going to town to polish shoes. I was hiding from the dodgy shoe man. A year later things were really bad and i decided to go back but to change spots. 

Funny thing about that money is it all gets finished at the funeral. We had a small budget funeral but as soon as we the funeral was done the money was also finished. 

So i changed spots and a couple of weeks later the man showed up with the 5kg frozen chicken. I refused to polish his shoe and refused to take his money and the chicken pieces but he just left them there on the ground next to me.

As soon as he left i packed my things and also left them there. Since that day I've been dreaming of that man with 4 other men at my gate kneeling and hitting the ground with their fists till they bleed.

When i wake up i wake up with a very painful body. I am not well and have not been able to do anything for the past 6 months. My wife also lost her job because apparently she doesn't do her job well anymore. They always accuse her of not cleaning the shop after it has been closed because they always find it very dirty the next day.

She swore she leaves it very clean so she doesn't understand how it is that dirty in the morning. We've been struggling a lot and we are only left with two kids who are always screaming at night saying their late siblings are in their room pinching them and indeed they wake up with marks and bruises on their body. The eldest child, my step daughter left to go live with her grandparents.

She now hates me so much and my wife is threatening to take the kids and leave if i don't stop witchcraft. She says i speak in my sleep and most times i use my late children's voices. My life is a mess and i don't know what to do anymore. 

I hope from my experience people will start being careful who they accept help from. Some help is not really help but a rope to hang yourself. Please help me.