


 Please keep me anonymous.

As we are about to enter into the new year I'm just sitting here thinking about what to take with and what to leave behind. It crossed my mind that I am leaving a friend of mine that I've known my whole life,a friend I've loved with everything in me. Now I am learning how to unlove her and it's painful.

The pain that I am feeling doesn't even come close to the pain I felt when I lost my mom Because she was there for me through it all. She comforted me and stood by me when no one really cared.

Her betrayal has me screaming in my dreams from the pain. She got married to a very rich man while I was struggling with my hustling boyfriend but she never judged me. Infact she used to tell me to stick by him because what matters is love.

But she made it clear that she could never ever be with a struggling man because she believes she deserves life's finest dealings and princess treatment. I never took offense in this instead we would just laugh it off.

We remained close in everything. All though now I am realising that she never really celebrated my milestones. She only encouraged and comforted me when things where going south. But when I achieve something we always had to ignore it and act like it's not a big deal. She always said hayi phuma lapho people have been doing that for years. Then immediately start another topic.

Eventually my hustling guy hit his highs and paid lobola for me. My friend didn't show up,she only texted me two days later and told me how sick she's been and I don't seem to care because I am busy with malobolo. I felt so bad and apologised endlessly.

When my boyfriend bought a mansion she told me not to move in before he finished paying lobola for me. But this time I didn't listen to her because she moved in with her man even before he paid lobola for her and only paid it three years later.

She was very angry and became distant. I kept on reaching out but I was just forcing nje,the vibe was no longer the same. I was the only one trying. 

My fiancee then finished paying lobola for me and we had a white wedding. My friend came but she was off. It was like she was at a place she didn't want to be. She seemed forced to be there. I tried cheering her up until her energy also rubbed off on me .

I didn't enjoy my wedding to the fullest. My energy became off aswel. She refused to even be my bridesmaid she came just as a guest and that broke me. She was very close to my heart.

On my wedding day she gave me new eating which she made me wore on the day. Because I wanted to make her happy i wore them. But later on I started experiencing a severe headache and I couldn't celebrate till the end. Went to bed early.

I was sick for a week after that. I barely enjoyed my wedding day. She kept her distant still. I am so full of prayer so I prayed for the headache and my marriage. One night while I was still sleeping I saw my friend in my dream. She was smearing the earings she gave me in her own poop with her hands while staring straight in my eyes.

I woke up and took off the earings immediately. Then suddenly the heavy energy and headache dissapeared. But i didn't want to believe that my dream could Mean ANYTHING. Not my bestfriend never, we loved each other way too much to hurt each other.

Then her husband divorced her for a younger woman. He was an old rich man so it was very clear that he was used to changing young wives. I took her in to live with my husband and I.

My husband didn't want her there for no reason. When I fell pregnant he begged me not to tell my friend. But I had Morning sickness and she was gonna figure it out soon so I told her. I didn't want any awarkadness between us.

Then She started being more off towards me. One day she decided to go visit her aunt. Funny how she and her aunt couldn't stand each other but she said she wanted to make things right between them and I understood. 

She came back a week later, when she got back she went mute on me. She totally ignored me in my own house. I tried speaking to her but she wouldn't answer. I then told my husband that I think he should be the one to tell her to leave.

He refused and said she wasn't going anywhere. She and my husband became pretty close and I got ignored most times. They would watch tv together till late. They would do Grocery shopping together and when I wanted to join them in anything I was always told that a pregnant woman has to rest.

She stole my husband from me and my husband stole my bestfriend from me. I was getting frustrated about this. It was like I didn't even exist and my presence was a disturbance to them. I went to Drs appointments alone and my husband wasn't showing much interest in the pregnancy anymore.

One day they went out to attend my husband's work gala dinner together. They didn't even discuss this with me first. I just saw them leaving the house looking ravishing and when I asked where they were off to that's when they informed me about that dinner.

That night I cried so much. I felt like a third wheel in my own house. It hit me hard when I found my husband's wedding band hidden in one of his shoes. I knew then that my marriage was over. I decided to call my best friend's aunt to ask her niece to stop what she's doing.

Her aunt then told me that my bestfriend is using Muti on me and my husband. She further said that I will give birth to a de@d baby if I don't leave the house. I didn't believe her because I knew that they didn't like each other much maybe she was just making this up.

I went into my friends room and in her closet I found a pic of my husband and I wrapped in a red wool. My face was smeared in black Muti and my tummy had a needle piercing through it. There was also a bottles with my husband's name and her name on it and a white wool wrapped around it 

Out of shock and frustration I broke the bottle and took everything and went and burnt it inside the kitchen zinc. I cried so much that day and they came back home early. I attacked her screaming and throwing her clothes at her. 

She ran off leaving everything of hers behind and my husband apologised so much we ended up crying together. We are still working on our marriage,we have a baby boy who has cerebral Palsy and we are grateful for the gift of life.

I haven't heard from my friend or about her ever since. I hope wherever she is she if fine and has cleared her heart. I still wish her well.