



A few years ago i used to work as a drug smuggler. I would smuggle drugs in different countries. We were known as Drug Mules. I became a drug mule after i had no luck with finding a job.

I failed my matric twice so that forced me to do illegal things. I succeeded just twice with smuggling drugs into other countries. I got arrested in Nigeria on the 3rd time. When i was released i wanted to go back and try again because honestly i was making very good money and my life was transformed by just two hits. Oh by the way we call them hits.

There was something i wanted so i knew that just two last hit and i would be set for life. In jail at Nigeria i met someone in the holding cell who gave me their number. That person said that he deliberately gets arrested once a year so that he can help people who gets arrested because of their desperation for money. 

He told me he has an uncle who is a very powerful sangoma who gives people miracle money that's legal and will never get anyone in trouble. 

He also gave me a small stone that he said i must put under my tongue when going for my bail hearing and the judge will say what i want to hear. He gave me his facebook names that i had to memorise and told me to send him an inbox when i get home.

But something very weird happenned. When the officers came to fetch me i had that stone under my tongue and suddenly everything changed. Obviously i couldn't hear their language but when i met the translator i was then told that i was arrested because there was a problem with my passport but it was nothing big and i would be deported back to my country. I was in so much shock then remembered that the guy i was in the cell said everything was going to go away and when i get out and contact him then i would become very rich. 

But to this day i still think that guy was a ghost. When i was moved from the holding cell i said my goodbyes but the officers looked at me like I'm crazy. Just that we had language barriers but i could tell that they couldn't see who i was talking to. 

Anyway when i got to South Africa, i was out on the streets the next day.  The guy i met in the holding cell was forever on my mind. But something was holding me back from contacting him on Facebook. I had searched for him on Facebook and found his account but eish something kept saying no.

He became the only thing i could think about. Eventualy i even started dreaming of him. The dreams were so intense that they felt very real. In the dreams i was very rich and i was living my dream life. He was always with me in the dream reminding me that i deserve such a life and if i went to keep it then i know what to do. His facebook account always appeared in the dream before i could snap out of it. 

This went on for 3 weeks or so until i decided that i should just send the inbox and see what happen. I finally sent that inbox and i was replied with a location, date, time and what to bring. 

What got scary for me was the fact that the location was at a mountain we were told that once you go there there's no coming back. I won't mention the mountain but it's somewhere in the North of South Africa. I am not from the North but I've heard stories about that mountain.

But i honestly believe that those people who initiate you into ukuthwala do something to your brain. You get to trust and believe everything they tell you. I mean i did not know these people but i still went to meet up with them at a very dangerous place. I went without hesitation and thinking twice. 

I met up with someone at the bottom of the mountain and walked me up the mountain leading me to where i was meeting up with the sangoma. When i arrived there it looked like a sangoma initiation festival. There were so many sangoma intiaters there.  They don't live there but they all went there for rituals, it was packed and funny how as much as there were many people there it was extremely quiet.

I was taken to one man who was very short and isolated from everyone else. He ordered me to take off my clothes and he made me jump the fire he was sitting next to.

I jumped the fire until i got tired and weak. Then he told me to choose any of my nipples and he was gonna poke it with a needle. He said my nipples represented my mom and the other my dad.He said he's not going to tell me which one is which but I'll know the answer when i get home. He then poked my right nipple with a needle that's covered with blood. I felt numb immediately and I somehow started hearing a very familiar voice screaming for help then it vanished. Then I was told to lay down and rest when I wake up I should go home and not look back at all.

I walked that very scary mountain alone but I was followed by creepy sounds of hands clapping till I was down at the bottom.

I got in the car and drove back home. It is a 9 hour drive. The entire time my phone wouldn't switch on so I suspected it must be the battery but when I charge it in the car it wouldn't charge. When I got home before I got out of the car a Facebook inbox beeped. It was from someone who just sent " we don't discuss what happened at the mountains with anyone not even our loved ones or they die".

It creeped me out and It made me wonder why my phone is suddenly on.   When I got out of the car I was hit by a sudden feeling of loneliness. When I walked into the house I realised that my extended family members who didn't live far where there.

I knew that the only time everyone came together like that and the house was that quiet was when we are hit by death. Then I sat down and waited to hear what was happening. My aunt then said they had been trying to call me but my phone was off. she further said my mom was bit by a snake on the nipple while they were out in the field harvesting. Apparently my mom tripped and fell and a snake bit her on the nipple and she passed away on the spot.

It hit me very hard because it was at that very moment that I realised what was happening. The nipple i chose obviously meant it's my mom and it meant i had ended my mom's life. 

It was at that moment that i hated my life more than anything. My mom's funeral was the hardest thing i ever had to go through, it was very painful. I tried to be strong but a part of me wanted to confess. I have dissapointed and hurt my family before with the drug smuggling thing so this would make them hate me without forgiveness.

A few weeks after burying my mom I received a very big bag of money. I woke up to an instruction that i should go to my mom's grave at night at exactly midnight and there was a gift waiting for me. I did as told and when i arrived there i found a huge bag of money. The bag was a size of coffin and it was very full with money. 

Another instruction was that i have two options. I can use the money for whatever i want and not share with anyone but I'd lose another family member when the money runs out. Another option was that i could spend the money on whatever I want and share it with total strangers too by just randomly giving strangers money i would be redirecting the sacrifice to them. This meant that random people whom I've given money to would have death visiting their homes when the money runs out and once death chooses which person to attack then I'd get another bag of money. I chose giving away money to people for no reason at all. This meant that my family won't be affected anymore. I became a giver, the communities hero who just drove around giving strangers money and sometimes buying them food and clothed. 

The ritual worked on them while i ripped from their loss. This went on for years until i started seeing shadows of people filled up in my room every night. I thought maybe i was bewitched or going crazy only to later realise that i needed help. I consulted and i was told that those are the people who's lives I've sacrificed. I still live with those shadows and sometimes they make so much noise that i would run out of my house like a crazy person. I am so tired now i just want to reverse the ritual.  I want to live a normal life again but how do i when the money in the bag also makes snake sounds at night.

It keeps me awake all night, i no longer sleep well. When i want a peaceful night without seeing shadows and hearing weird sounds it means i must be out giving random people money pretending to be helping then i will definitely have a very peaceful sleep.

I can no longer get a hold of the person I've been communicating with on Facebook i don't know what to do anymore. I need guidance and help.